“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10a NEWS 1) Church of the Brethren membership decline continues. 2) Brethren Benefit Trust screens top 25 defense contractors. 3) On Earth Peace board meets with Cross-Cultural Consultation. 4) Letter to President Bush supports UN Population Fund. 5) Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrance, personnel, and more. PERSONNEL
Tag: University of La Verne
Newsline for May 23, 2007
“…I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” — Genesis 12:2b NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary celebrates 102nd commencement. 2) Brethren focus work north of Greensburg, following tornado. 3) Forum discusses future of Annual Conference, other challenges for the denomination. 4) Westminster Church, Buckhalter will receive Ecumenical Citations.
Newsline for April 25, 2007
“…From every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages…” — Revelation 7:9b NEWS 1) Cross-Cultural Celebration meets on the theme of peace. 1a) La Celebración Intercultural se reúne con el tema de la paz. 2) Consultation receives report from Intercultural Study Committee. 3) Christian Citizenship Seminar explores ‘The State of Our Health.’ 4) Brethren
Newsline for March 16, 2007
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news….” — Luke 4:18a NEWS 1) Brethren attend inaugural meeting of Christian Churches Together. 2) Sustaining Pastoral Excellence program holds ‘Vital Pastors’ retreat. 3) Funds give $95,000 in grants to relief work. 4) Brethren Volunteer Service welcomes its 273rd
Daily News: March 7, 2007
(March 7, 2007) — Academy Award-winning director James Cameron has created a titanic buzz with his documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” Given the worldwide interest, veteran journalist and television news anchor Ted Koppel chose to add depth to the discussion with a televised forum on Sunday, March 4, immediately following the premiere of Cameron’s
Newsline for October 25, 2006
“Hear, my child, and be wise, and direct your mind in the way.” — Proverbs 23:19 NEWS 1) Trust is created to help preserve John Kline homestead. 2) Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 272 begins work. 3) Atlantic Northeast District Conference meets on ‘Together’ theme. 4) MAX supports denominational wellness ministry. 5) Colorado Brethren and Mennonite
Newsline for August 2, 2006
“Pursue love….” — 1 Corinthians 14:1a NEWS 1) Disaster Child Care cares for children evacuated from Lebanon. 2) Brethren join religious coalition to reconstruct churches on Gulf coast. 3) ‘Disaster Wall’ graced with the names of hundreds of volunteers. 4) Southern Plains District meets about ‘Love and Little Things.’ 5) Historical marker to commemorate Brethren
Newsline for May 24, 2006
“For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.” — James 2:26 NEWS 1) Brethren receive record-breaking dividend from Brotherhood Mutual. 2) Church planting is `doable,’ conference participants learn. 3) Ecumenical committee plans for Annual Conference. 4) Brethren Academy welcomes 14 new ministry students. 5) Nigerian Brethren
A Review of News from Brethren Colleges
Christina Bucher named Dean of the Faculty at Elizabethtown College Christina Bucher has been named dean of the faculty at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. She is a 1975 graduate of Elizabethtown who has served as a member of the religious studies department faculty for nearly 20 years. The Carl W. Zeigler Professor of Religion and Philosophy,
Newsline for March 1, 2006
“He answered, `You shall love the Lord your God….’” — Luke 10:27a NEWS 1) New Sunday school curriculum is launched for Brethren, Mennonites. 2) Beckwith and Zuercher head Annual Conference ballot. 3) Review and Evaluation survey is available online and in Source mailing. 4) Sustaining Pastoral Excellence identifies leadership as a key issue. 5) Selected