Christina Bucher named Dean of the Faculty at Elizabethtown College
Christina Bucher has been named dean of the faculty at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. She is a 1975 graduate of Elizabethtown who has served as a member of the religious studies department faculty for nearly 20 years. The Carl W. Zeigler Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Bucher served as chair of the Department of Religious Studies from 1995-2005. Bucher also has edited the Church of the Brethren quarterly journal “Brethren Life and Thought” from 1991-1997, and is now a member of the editorial board. She is a scholar of the Hebrew Bible, teaches in the field of biblical studies, and is currently researching the reception history of the Song of Songs. Bucher has been active in the Society of Biblical Literature and is former chair of the society’s “Study of Peace in Scripture” research group. For the full release go to:
Manchester College is a “Best Value,” according to The Princeton Review guidebook
Manchester College is one of the nation’s “best overall values–based on cost and financial aid–among the most academically outstanding colleges in the nation,” says The Princeton Review in its 2007 guidebook, “America’s Best Value Colleges.” The annual listing includes 47 “little known gems” among private schools, including the 1,104-student Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind. The guidebook listed 150 “best” colleges in 40 states, obtaining its data and determining best values by surveying students and administrators at 646 colleges and universities. Manchester has a firm hold on “Best Value” and “Best College” rankings: The Princeton Review named the college a 2005 and 2006 Best Value and “U.S. News & Report” has listed Manchester as a “Best College” for 11 consecutive years. For the full release go to:
Juniata College dedicates Halbritter Performing Arts Center
President Thomas R. Kepple dedicated the new Marlene and Barry Halbritter Center for the Performing Arts on April 21 at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. The center is an $8.3 million renovation and construction project that has renovated the college’s performance hall, Rosenberger Auditorium, and added a new theater space and classroom facilities. For the full release go to:
Anabaptist spirituality is topic of Durnbaugh Lectures at Elizabethtown College
Anabaptist spirituality will be the topic of this year’s Durnbaugh Lectures at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. C. Arnold Snyder, professor of history at Conrad Grebel University College in Ontario, Canada, will discuss “The ‘Catholic’ Roots of Anabaptist Spirituality” at 7:30 p.m., April 27, in Myer Hall’s Susquehanna Room. Snyder’s talk is open to the public free of charge and is presented as part of the college’s Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies’ annual banquet. A reception for Snyder begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the banquet at 6 p.m. Audience members may choose to attend the banquet, the talk, or both. Snyder will also present a seminar titled “Contemporary Anabaptist Spirituality” 9 a.m.-3 p.m., April 28, at the Young Center. Reservations for the banquet and seminar are required, call the Young Center at 717-361-1470. Tickets are $15 for the banquet and $15 for the seminar including lunch and Snyder’s recent book “Following in the Footsteps of Christ.” For the full release go to:
Elizabethtown College trustee gives $100,000 for service to children abroad
To inspire young adults to serve special children worldwide, Candace and David Abel of Elizabethtown–co-founders of Brittany’s Hope Foundation–recently made a $100,000 commitment to Elizabethtown (Pa.) College to endow the Brittany’s Hope International Humanitarian Service Program for Children. The program will provide financial support for Elizabethtown students who wish to combine a semester-long, study-abroad experience with an opportunity to provide humanitarian service to poor and needy children worldwide. Through Brethren Colleges Abroad (BCA), Elizabethtown will create study-abroad experiences at BCA’s already established 16 locations in Latin America, Europe, and East Asia. The experience will incorporate a service component that helps less-fortunate children in orphanages, schools, or other social service organizations located nearby. Students will be provided with cultural training specific to the country in which they will study and serve that will help adequately prepare them for service at the host site. For the full release go to:
Commencement speakers at University of La Verne include Brethren chaplain
The University of La Verne (Calif.) this spring boasts five graduation ceremonies on four days, and a host of commencement speakers. Among them is Church of the Brethren chaplain at Brethren Hillcrest Homes Myrna Long Wheeler, speaking for the College of Arts and Sciences commencement May 26; National Public Radio host Larry Mantle, who speaks for the College of Education and Organizational Leadership May 27; award-winning author, peace activist, and international investment banker Azim N. Khamisa, who will be keynote speaker May 27 for College of Business and Public Management; Leonard Pellicer, dean of the ULV College of Education and Organizational Leadership, who will address the 2006 Doctoral Program in Organizational Leadership ceremony; and William K. Suter, Clerk of the US Supreme Court, who will speak at the College of Law Commencement Ceremony on May 21. Tickets are required for all commencement ceremonies held in Ortmayer Stadium. For more information go to For the full release go to:
McPherson College C.A.R.S. Club Car Show set for May 6
Once again, classics, custom cars and hot rods will grace the streets of downtown McPherson, Kan., for the annual Main Street Cruise-In from 6-8 p.m. on Friday, May 5. The Cruise-In sets the stage for the 7th annual C.A.R.S. (College Automotive Restoration Students) Club Car Show held May 6 on the McPherson College campus from 9 a.m. until approximately 4 p.m. This year more than 150 cars are expected to be on display. There is no charge to attend the show. To enter a car in the event, the fee is $15; registration is from 8 a.m.-12 noon. Some vehicles are entered for display only, while others are entered in one of seven categories to be judged. Awards for the winning cars will be presented at 3 p.m. “Two cars will be featured on display for this year’s show: a 1911 Stanley Steamer race car, and a 1950 Ford Woody Wagon,” according to Ross Barton, president of C.A.R.S. There will also be three Lamborghinis and a 1922 Stanley Steamer on display. According to Jonathan Klinger, director of automotive restoration development, “A tremendous amount of work goes into the annual car show. The students work very hard and do a great job of putting on a first-class show.” Tours of Templeton Hall, the home of the automotive restoration program, will be open to the public from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. For the full release go to:
Former head of Rwandan Parliament to speak at Bridgewater College
Jospeh Sebarenzi, president of the Rwanda Parliament from 1997-2000, will speak at 7:30 p.m. today, April 24, in Cole Hall at Bridgewater (Va.) College. Despite having endured losing his parents, seven siblings, and numerous other relatives in the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Sebarenzi is an advocate for peace and reconciliation. “Revenge is like adding guilt to victimhood,” he says. “It solves nothing. At some point, we have to ignore the past and envision the future.” In Rwanda, Sebarenzi rose through the ranks of parliament, eventually becoming speaker, third in power to the country’s president. As leader of parliament, he worked to improve the national government, speaking out for parliamentary independence and against government corruption. Forced to resign and informed of an assassination plot against him, Sebarenzi fled to the US. Sebarenzi teaches conflict resolution at the School for International Training, and is pursuing a Ph.D. in peace studies at the University of Bradford in England. Sponsored by the Harry and Ina Shank Educational Fund, the program is open to the public at no charge. For the full release go to:
Manchester College sends two spring break teams to help with Katrina cleanup
Two teams of Manchester College students spent spring break in the sunny South–but they were not tanning on the beaches or partying hearty through the night. The students worked in Mississippi and New Orleans, helping with Hurricane Katrina cleanup, joining an estimated 10,000 college students who mucked out houses and helped the area rebuild. The college Habitat for Humanity chapter has spent its last 19 spring breaks in the South, building homes. This year, 17 Manchester students and two faculty members were in Meridian, Miss., building two to four homes. At the same time, 17 Manchester students, four staff members, and a spouse were helping New Orleans residents clear muck and mold, gutting houses for restoration and picking up neighborhoods. The team worked with Operation Helping Hands, a volunteer program of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans. For the full release go to:
McPherson College teacher education program collects books to benefit Gulf students
The McPherson (Kan.) College teacher education program is participating in a book drive in connection with “Books from the Heart” to help aid schools affected by the 2005 hurricane season. This effort is a part of the Books from the Heart Adopt a School program through the Heart of America Foundation. The KNEA-SP Teacher Education Program at the college will be collecting books throughout the month of April. Drop boxes are located in the college library and the Melhorn Science Building. The program is focused on grades 9-12 fictional and nonfictional books as well as educational VHS tapes and DVDs. The books collected will be for the benefit of students of Poplarville (Miss.) High School. For the full release go to:
Bridgewater College celebrates 126th anniversary
Bridgewater (Va.) College celebrated the 126th anniversary of its founding on April 4, presenting several awards during convocation in the Carter Center for Worship and Music. The occasion also marked the 152nd anniversary of the birth of the college’s founder, Daniel Christian Flory. Two faculty members were recognized for excellence in teaching: Edward W. Huffstetler, professor of English, and Nancy W. St. John, professor of family and consumer sciences. Two seniors, Stacy Gallo of Sterling, Va., and Troy Burnett of Ridgeway, Va., received Outstanding Leadership Awards. For the full release go to:’s%20day.html