
Courses to be offered by the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center

The Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center is offering a robust schedule of continuing education for clergy and interested laity in 2024. Ranging from “Christian ID in the Age of AI,” “Worship Models,” “Grief Literacy,” “Suicide and Your Congregation,” “Luke and Acts,” “Autism and the Church,” to “Why Leadership Matters,” everyone will find a topic of interest.

Brethren bits for April 11, 2020

n this issue: Brethren Village reports COVID-19 cases and deaths, Juniata professor develops new way to test for COVID-19, “New Yorker” piece on hospice care in China features Church of the Brethren worker, National Youth Sunday Idea Swap, Good News Youth Devotional, new online form to submit information for Messenger “Turning Points” pages, and more.

Brethren bits for March 28, 2020

—Brethren Benefit Trust through the Church Workers Assistance Fund has created a COVID-19 Emergency Grant Program. The program has a streamlined application process to provide financial support to church workers (pastors, office staff, etc.) whose financial situation is adversely affected because of COVID-19 related issues. This would include help for bi-vocational pastors whose non-church work

Moderator’s forum is April 18 at Elizabethtown College’s Young Center

Annual Conference moderator Paul Mundey has announced that he will host a Moderator’s Forum this spring at the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. The date is April 18, from 1-9 p.m. The focus is “Historical Themes Impacting Today’s Church.” The forum will feature leading Brethren historians who will address

Elizabethtown College Peace Fellowship Lecture: Timely relevance and challenge of the Anabaptist tradition

By Kevin Shorner-Johnson Elizabethtown (Pa.) Church of the Brethren was filled with congregants representing diverse Brethren churches and Anabaptist traditions for the Elizabethtown College Peace Fellowship lecture. Drew Hart, assistant professor of theology at Messiah College, introduced “not a light topic” of how white supremacy and Christianity are entangled together. Using the metaphor of “putting

Brethren bits for March 22, 2019

In this issue: Remembering Charles Lunkley, personnel notes, job openings, Messenger Online offers “So many changes! How the new tax code affects you” by Deb Oskin, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy recommends “Faith Over Fear” training, “Look at Life” conference at Bethany Seminary, and more news by, for, and about Brethren.

Faith over fear flyer

National Junior High Conference Worship Will Be Webcast

Worship services at the National Junior High Conference taking place this weekend at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College will be webcast. The conference is offered by the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Junior high youth from across the denomination will gather the weekend of June 19-21 for a faith formation experience that will include worship, fellowship, workshops, recreation, and more. Link to the webcasts at https://livestream.com/livingstreamcob/NJHC2015 .

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