
Lititz Church of the Brethren hosts gun violence prevention event

On International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, Lititz (Pa.) Church of the Brethren erected a Memorial to the Lost. This memorial displayed more than 90 t-shirts, each marked with the name, date of death, and age at death of a person killed by gun homicide in Lancaster County, Pa.

Church2Church: Reaching out to share with a church in need

When Un Nuevo Renacer, a Spanish speaking church in Atlantic Northeast District, faced a significant challenge in recent months, pastor Carolina Izquierdo reached out to the district to share their dilemma and found a solution for their need.

Newsline for Feb. 11, 2010

  Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to www.brethren.org/newsline to subscribe or unsubscribe. Feb. 11, 2010 “O God…I seek you, my soul thirsts for you” (Psalm 6:3a). NEWS 1) Haitian-American Brethren experience losses, grief following earthquake. 2) Church of the Brethren reports pre-audit financial results for 2009. 3) Center ships 158,000

Brethren Congregations Across the US Take Part in the Haiti Relief Effort

Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren collected and assembled 300-plus hygiene kits for Haiti after church on Sunday. Sunday school classes helped assemble the kits, which will be sent to the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., for processing and shipping to Haiti, where they will be distributed by Church World Service to quake survivors.

Newsline Special for January 15, 2010

  Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to www.brethren.org/newsline to subscribe or unsubscribe. Newsline Special: Haiti Earthquake Update Jan. 15, 2010  “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). HAITI EARTHQUAKE UPDATES 1) Brethren disaster and mission leaders to go to Haiti, first contacts are

General Secretary Calls Brethren to a Time of Prayer for Haiti

Church of the Brethren Newsline Jan. 14, 2010 “In the darkest times, we can turn toward the Creator God and admit our frailty as part of this creation,” said Church of the Brethren general secretary Stan Noffsinger in a call for the entire denomination to enter into a time of prayer for Haiti. “It is

Newsline for January 14, 2010

  Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to www.brethren.org/newsline to subscribe or unsubscribe. Jan. 14, 2010  “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5). NEWS 1) General secretary calls Brethren to a time of prayer for Haiti; Brethren Disaster Ministries prepares for relief

Newsline for April 8, 2009

“He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:5a). NEWS 1) On Earth Peace reports mid-year financial concern. 2) Bethany Seminary holds second annual Presidential Forum. 3) Domestic hunger program receives funding to fulfill grant requests. 4) Church of the Brethren Credit Union offers online banking. 5) Brethren Press

NCC Leader: ‘Peace Is the Message of the Church’

National Council of Churches (NCC) General Secretary Michael Kinnamon brought greetings Jan. 13 to the opening session of Heeding God’s Call: A Gathering on Peace in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends and the Church of the Brethren, both member communions of the National Council of Churches USA, joined with

Vital Pastors Program Groups Meet, Share Critical Questions

Six groups of Church of the Brethren pastors met Nov. 17-21, 2008, near Los Angeles, Calif., in the latest in a series of national conferences occurring through the Vital Pastors program of the Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) initiative. The pastors’ groups shared results of their studies through the program. One group, made up of five

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