Creation Care Stories
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Creation Care blog posts
- Energy Stewardship Is More Critical Than Ever
Making buildings more energy efficient lets congregations better steward their energy resources and free up funds for ministry elsewhere
- A ‘Green’ War Machine Is Still a War Machine: The U.S. Military’s Environmental Blind Spot
Some mind-blowing numbers: U.S. military emissions are, in any year, larger than the emissions of many countries
- Common (non)sense: A Fight Against Time
By Cornelius Raff, Associate and BVS volunteer at the Office of Peacebuilding and Policy You don’t have to be very interested or invested in politics to come across phrases like “common sense bill” or hear an elected official say “it’s common sense that this policy will help the American people in this or that way”,
From Newsline
- In the glow of the Christmas tree lights, let us remember the forests
This year “The People’s Tree” comes from Monongahela National Forest in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia. While it makes its way from town to town on its tour to Washington, D.C., its old-growth arboreal neighbors in the forest are at risk of being harvested for timber.
- Outdoor Ministries Association holds its annual retreat at Camp Eder
From Nov. 12-16, Camp Eder in Fairfield, Pa., hosted members of the Outdoor Ministries Association of the Church of the Brethren for a retreat/conference. Leadership from 14 camps and Brethren Volunteer Service joined together in exploring the theme of “Discipleship.” Pieter Tramper, from Brethren Woods in Virginia, was the coordinator.
- Churches in Nigeria fill with music, dancing, and prayer as WCC visits
Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) was among the Nigerian denominations whose congregations received visits during a recent meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee in Abuja, Nigeria. Members of the WCC executive committee visited an array of congregations on Sunday, Nov. 12, “bringing a deep spiritual aspect to their gathering,” said a WCC release.
- New Community Project at 20: By the numbers
New Community Project turns 20 this year! Over these two decades, we’ve covered a lot of ground and want to offer some high-lights of our work. Of course, numbers don’t tell the whole story, as our impact isn’t always visible and countable. But figures do perhaps provide some indication of progress toward our oft-stated goal of “changing the world.” So let’s see how they add up!
- A “Baker’s Dozen” Climate Actions
A baker’s dozen climate actions to aid the environment and help care for God’s creation and the earth that sustains us.
From Messenger
- A flourishing opportunity
We, as sojourners with God’s creation, bear a responsibility to cherish our relationship with the earth
- Finding our way back to the garden
We are invited to find our way back to the garden before it’s too late.
- Our global home
We cannot ignore the warnings about the potential demise of the place we live.
Creation Care Curriulum
The five-session creation care curriculum, above, is designed to be used by Church of the Brethren adults to dig into why Christians, specifically members of the Church of the Brethren, should care for the environment.
- Session one focuses on stories in the Old Testament.
- The second session focuses on the New Testament, including how Jesus interacted with nature and its presence in his ministry.
- Session three focuses on the Church of the Brethren and similar groups emphasis on simple living and peace and how we can apply those traditions in current times.
- Session four focuses on climate change, including official statements the Church of the Brethren has made and other climate change facts.
- The fifth session focuses on resources.

We’d love to hear from you!
We are fighting for a better future to protect God’s Creation. Don’t hesitate to reach out to learn about our work and mission. We also invite committed people to amplify our call by offering their expertise and insights. We will be hosting webinars and the opportunity for our church members to enter dialog with you in interview-like formats.