
VOS Celebrates 10 Years, Holds Final Dinner

Jim Lehman, who planted the seeds for Voices for an Open Spirit (VOS) at Annual Conference 10 years ago, invited guests at the group’s yearly banquet to take a look back, but also to look forward.

Progressive Brethren Gathering Hears from Seminary President

Bethany Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen called for a new sense of wonder in a time of “dis-ease,” as she gave the keynote address to the Progressive Brethren Gathering this past weekend in North Manchester, Ind. Bethany Theological Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen was the keynote speaker at the 2010 Progressive Brethren Gathering held in

Newsline for October 25, 2006

“Hear, my child, and be wise, and direct your mind in the way.” — Proverbs 23:19 NEWS 1) Trust is created to help preserve John Kline homestead. 2) Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 272 begins work. 3) Atlantic Northeast District Conference meets on ‘Together’ theme. 4) MAX supports denominational wellness ministry. 5) Colorado Brethren and Mennonite

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