General Secretary
David A. Steele
Mission & Ministry Board information
Strategic Plan – Plan Estratégico – Plan Estratejik
By the July 2021 Board meeting, the Mission and Ministry Board and Staff will be ready to execute on the Strategic Plan’s Strategies in partnership with the wider Church.
Para su reunion de junta en julio del 2021, la Junta de Misión y Ministerio y su personal estarán preparados para ejecutar las estrategias del Plan Estratégico con la coparticipación de toda la iglesia.
Nan reyinyon Komite Jiyè 2021 an, Komite Misyon ak Ministè enpi anplwaye yo ap pare pou egzekite sou estrateji Plan Estratejik la an patenarya ak gran LEgliz.
Strategic Plan information
Seeking peace
A statement on the events of January 6, 2021. Read the full statement.
Call for peace in Nagorno-Karabakh
The Church of the Brethren is concerned with the escalation of warfare in Nagorno-Karabakh, the disputed region between Armenia and Azerbaijan. As a peace church, we lament the violence of war and work to end conflict globally.
Read the full statement.
What does the Lord require?
Read general secretary David Steele’s statement following the loss of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many others.
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