
Goshen City Church to celebrate 125 years

This year, 2024, Goshen (Ind.) City Church of the Brethren is celebrating its 125th anniversary. This milestone is being celebrated by updating the church history, honoring families of charter members, and inviting previous clergy to preach at special services.

Conference Bits and Pieces: Quotes, Attendance, Quilt Auction, and More

223rd Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren San Diego, California — June 30, 2009 Conference Quotes: “You know why only two Brethren will be found in heaven? Because they’re the two who were standing in the doorway keeping the rest out while they were having a conversation.” — Annual Conference moderator David Shumate, getting

Newsline for January 2, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “…Walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8b). NEWS 1) Visit to India Brethren finds a church maintaining its faith. 2) Historic Peace Churches Asia gathering is held in Indonesia. 3) Grants help continue Hurricane Katrina rebuilding efforts. 4) Nigerian church leader completes doctoral study on

Newsline for October 24, 2007

October 24, 2007 “Let all things be done for building up” (1 Corinthians 14:26). NEWS 1) On Earth Peace holds fall meeting on theme of ‘Building Bridges.’ 2) ABC seeks child safety policies from congregations. 3) Brethren Disaster Ministries opens Minnesota project. 4) Nappanee church pig roast becomes disaster response event. 5) Grants to agriculture

Newsline Extra for October 1, 2007

October 1, 2007 “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). MISSION UPDATE 1) Sudan assessment team finds warm welcome for the Brethren. 2) Multinational team trains leaders of emerging Haitian church. 3) Staff await implementation phase of health program in DR. FEATURE 4) Former Brethren

Newsline for September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007 “…A place in the family…” (Acts 26:18b from “The Message”). NEWS 1) Caring Ministries Assembly 2007 focuses on ‘Being Family.’ 2) Youth cabinet issues 300th anniversary challenge to youth groups. 3) Steering committee plans next denominational gathering for young adults. 4) Western Plains District meeting invites, ‘Come and Walk with Jesus.’ 5)

Newsline for May 23, 2007

“…I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” — Genesis 12:2b NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary celebrates 102nd commencement. 2) Brethren focus work north of Greensburg, following tornado. 3) Forum discusses future of Annual Conference, other challenges for the denomination. 4) Westminster Church, Buckhalter will receive Ecumenical Citations.

Newsline for January 3, 2007

“…And the flame shall not consume you.” — Isaiah 43:2b NEWS 1) Ohio church burns on Christmas Eve, district calls for prayer. 2) Anabaptist leaders visit New Orleans. 3) Association of Brethren Caregivers sets budget for next two years. 4) Advocate Bethany Hospital seeks donations of prayer shawls. 5) Outdoor Ministries Association hears from denominational

Newsline for December 20, 2006

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace…” — Luke 2:14 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust adopts investment guidelines related to pornography, gambling. 2) Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates are being assessed. 3) Annual Conference Council sets registration goal for 2007 conference. 4) Disaster Child Care to work in New Orleans throughout

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