For general questions, including address changes and website issues, contact
We have a new phone system. Call 1-800-323-8039 and follow instructions to find staff by name.
Church of the Brethren
General Offices
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120
Brethren Service Center
601 Main St.
PO Box 188
New Windsor, MD 21776-0188
Office of Peacebuilding and Policy
Church of the Brethren
337 North Carolina Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
To make a donation by phone or change credit card information, call 1-800-323-8039 and follow the voice prompts for donations. Donations by check may be made out to “Church of the Brethren” and mailed to the General Offices at the address above. Or give now online.
Church of the Brethren social media listing
Staff are listed below alphabetically by last name. If you are not sure which staff person to contact, use the link above for general questions.
- Badet, Founa A., Director, Intercultural Ministries
- Brockway, Joshua, Director, Spiritual Formation
- Brumbaugh-Cayford, Cheryl, Director, News Services
- Coale, Francie, Director of Information Technology, Church of the Brethren, and Director of Building and Grounds, Brethren Service Center
- Davenport, Carole, Office Manager, Global Mission
- DeBall, Matt, Coordinator, Mission Advancement Communications
- Dorsch-Messler, Jenn, Director, Brethren Disaster Ministries
- Dueck, Stan, Director, Organizational Leadership
- Fischer Bachman, Jan, Website Producer
- Franzén, Sharon, Manager, Brethren Disaster Ministries
- Gingrich, Rhonda Pittman, Director, Annual Conference
- Gross, Heidi, Managing Editor, Brethren Press
- Heishman, Nancy S., Director of Ministry
- Hosler, Jennifer, Manager, Global Food Initiative
- Hosler, Nathan, Director, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy
- Inhauser, Marcos and Suely, national directors for Brazil
- Lennard, Jeff, Director, Marketing and Sales, Brethren Press
- Marsh, Pat, Manager of Accounting and Assistant Treasurer
- McCrickard, Nancy, Mission Advancement Advocate
- McFadden, Wendy, Publisher of Brethren Press and Executive Director of Communications
- McNeil, Shannon – see “Smith, Shannon McNeil”
- Miner, Jim, Yearbook Specialist
- Naugle, Becky Ullom, Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry
- Neher, Carolyn, Associate Director, Children’s Disaster Services
- Noffsinger, Debbie, Annual Conference Assistant
- Norton, Sharon, Executive Director, Global Mission
- Ober-Lambert, Janet, Director, Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership
- Otto, Russ, Web Developer
- Polzin, Nate, Executive Director of Discipleship and Leadership Formation
- Rabenstein, Traci, Executive Director, Office of Mission Advancement
- Rendler, Virginia, Interim Volunteer Coordinator for Brethren Volunteer Service
- Replogle, Shawn Flory, Executive Director of Organizational Resources
- Rowan, Joshua, Information Technology Specialist
- Skillen, Chelsea Goss, Director, Brethren Volunteer Service
- Smith, Shannon McNeil, Executive Administrative Assistant, General Secretary’s Office.
- Steele, David, General Secretary
- Ullom Naugle, Becky, Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry
- Wehrle, Richard, Program Manager, Thriving in Ministry
- Wiltschek, Walt, Office Coordinator, Brethren Volunteer Service
- Winter, Roy, Executive Director, Service Ministries
- Witkovsky-Eldred, Marissa, Coordinator of Short-term Service (FaithX)
- Wolf, Loretta, Director, Material Resources
- Woolf, Ed, Director of Finance and Treasurer