Death Row Support Project
PO Box 349
N Manchester IN 46962

Sending first-class stamps will help support the work of the project, which is run completely by volunteers, with web services supplied by the Church of the Brethren.

Give to DRSP

“Everybody on death row needs someone at their side.”—Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ

A person confined to death row often spends up to 23 hours each day alone in a small cell—for years and sometimes decades.

Letters can bring a ray of hope to the darkness of death row.

For those on the outside, learning to know just one prisoner can dispel some of the misconceptions and fears about prisons and the people locked away inside of them.

Are you interested in learning more?

Sign up here

Listen to the “Voices of Death Row Project” podcast.

Will you write to someone on death row?


Federal death penalty


Message from Rachel

Activism Works

Books in prison

Office Hours

DRSP team begins work

Book Reviews

Rachel Gross retires

Christmas Wish List


Death of a pen pal

Summer News

Life Support


Art and Writing

Love Story

An unlikely friendship

Holiday greetings

Christmas wish list

Why I write

Radio Shows

Pen Pal Stories

Death Row artwork

This and that

Visiting Death Row

Greeting cards

Attention college students


Life support

Christmas greetings

Christmas wish list


Reasons to oppose the death penalty


Social media

Prison food

If you stop writing…

Federal abolition

Pen pal challenges

Abolishing the Death Penalty


Challenging Requests

How’s it going?

Why write to someone on death row?

300 New Writers

Lost Mail

Pen Pals in the New Normal

Creative Ideas from Pen Pals

Fahrenheit 451 comes to Florida death row

Prisoners, Pen Pals, and Positive Activism

Sending Cards to Death Row

Poems from Each Side of the Glass

A Christmas Wish List

A Thanksgiving Story

Rodney Reed and Texas

“He Became our Friend”

Report from the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference

A Visit to Death Row

Prisons kick chaplains out of execution chamber

Updates from DRSP Director Rachel Gross and a pen pal’s poem

Report on Christmas card project

Christmas greetings

Interview with Florida death row prisoner Fahiym Abdul Ghaniy

Washington state abolishes death penalty; invitation to send holiday cards

Important information for those writing to prisoners in PA; the death penalty in the media