
Chiques Church of the Brethren Is a Giving Church

In mid-April, Chiques Church of the Brethren in Manheim, Pa., sponsored a dinner and silent auction to help support the Nigeria Crisis Fund. Jennifer Cox, one of the event organizers, said, “Church of the Brethren in the United States has responded to the crisis with an outpouring of resources to bring relief and hope to our brothers and sisters in Nigeria who are living daily with the threat of violence.”

Newsline for July 1, 2010

  July 1, 2010 “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15, NIV). NEWS 1) Brethren leader at White House meeting on Israel and Palestine. 2) Church leaders meet with Secretary of Agriculture on childhood hunger. PERSONNEL 3) Blevins to lead ecumenical peace program for NCC and Church of the Brethren.

Nine Receive Caring Ministries Nursing Scholarships

Church of the Brethren Newsline June 21, 2010 Nine Church of the Brethren nursing students are recipients of Caring Ministries Nursing Scholarships for 2010. This scholarship, made possible by the Health Education and Research Endowment, is available to members of the Church of the Brethren enrolled in LPN, RN, or nursing graduate programs. This year’s

Newsline for June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6). NEWS 1) Church developers called to ‘Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully.’ 2) Young adults ‘rock’ Camp Blue Diamond over Memorial Day weekend. 3) Brethren leader helps defend CWS against charges of proselytizing. 4) Global Food Crisis Fund supports work of Foods

Newsline for August 26, 2009

Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to www.brethren.org/newsline to subscribe or unsubscribe. Aug. 26, 2009  “The Lord is my portion” (Psalm 119:57a). NEWS 1) BBT sends notification letters for recalculated annuity benefits. 2) Haitian Brethren name provisional board, hold blessing for first ministers. 3) Workcamp ministry records another successful season.

Hoslers to Teach and Work for Peace and Reconciliation with Nigerian Brethren

Church of the Brethren Newsline Aug. 19, 2009 Nathan and Jennifer Hosler of Elizabethtown, Pa., will begin serving in two new peace and reconciliation positions with Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), working through the Church of the Brethren’s Global Mission Partnerships. The Hoslers are members of Chiques Church of

Newsline for August 13, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Oh Lord…how majestic is your name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:1) NEWS 1) Brethren Disaster Ministries receives $50,000 grant to continue Katrina rebuilding. 2) Ministry Summer Service participants complete internship program. 3) Mission trip to the Dominican Republic builds faith, relationships. 4) Brethren bits:

Newsline Extra for November 21, 2007

November 21, 2007 “…Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received” (1 Peter 4:10b) ROUND-UP OF DISTRICT NEWS 1) Atlantic Northeast District meets on theme, ‘God Is Faithful.’ 2) Atlantic Southeast District celebrates its 83rd conference. 3) Middle Pennsylvania District Conference affirms new mission plan. 4) W. Pennsylvania District challenges members to

Newsline for June 6, 2007

“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10a NEWS 1) Church of the Brethren membership decline continues. 2) Brethren Benefit Trust screens top 25 defense contractors. 3) On Earth Peace board meets with Cross-Cultural Consultation. 4) Letter to President Bush supports UN Population Fund. 5) Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrance, personnel, and more. PERSONNEL

Newsline for October 25, 2006

“Hear, my child, and be wise, and direct your mind in the way.” — Proverbs 23:19 NEWS 1) Trust is created to help preserve John Kline homestead. 2) Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 272 begins work. 3) Atlantic Northeast District Conference meets on ‘Together’ theme. 4) MAX supports denominational wellness ministry. 5) Colorado Brethren and Mennonite

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