Children’s Disaster Services

Serving children and families after disasters

View and register for CURRENT TRAINING

Volunteers from across the country

  • participate in specialized experiential training
  • undergo a rigorous screening process
  • learn to work with children after a disaster
  • are capable of mobilizing rapidly and responding both locally and nationally. 

Volunteers arrive to a disaster location with a “Kit of Comfort” containing carefully selected toys that promote imaginative play. Volunteers give children individualized attention and encourage them to express themselves, thereby starting the healing process. Although many volunteers are motivated by faith, CDS’ training is open to anyone over 18 years old. 

CDS provides respite, education and individualized consultation for parents about their child’s unique emotional needs after a disaster.  Through consultation or workshops specifically tailored to each situation, CDS also works with parents, community agencies, schools or others to help them understand and meet the special needs of children during or after a disaster.

Contact us

Children’s Disaster Services
601 Main Street, P.O. Box 188
New Windsor, MD 21776-0188
Fax: 410-635-8739
Email Children’s Disaster Services
CDS on Facebook

Maria's Kit of Comfort book cover
Click to order
Maria's Kit of Comfort resources for children's ministry
Click for children’s ministry resources (PDF)
Activities related to Maria's Kit of Comfort
Click for activities related to the book (PDF)

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CDS updates

Bridges is the Brethren Disaster Ministries newsletter published three times a year. It features articles from our Children’s Disaster Services program, as well as our Rebuild program, and international efforts. Learn more about the Bridges Newsletter.

CDS News

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CDS Response Locations

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