
Current Lectionary (Year B, which concludes Nov. 24, 2024, and Year C, which goes from Advent 2024 through Easter 2025)

Discernment questions/process

Guidelines for the lectionary scripture readings

Robert Mulholland defines spiritual formation as being shaped in the image of Christ for the sake of others.

Growing Deeper
With the reading of the scriptures of the lectionary, you are invited to grow deeper by asking yourself the questions outlined by a discernment process developed by Charles Olsen and Danny Morris in their book: “Discovering God’s Will Together.”

First, read the texts. But seek to discover in the text a sentence or two that captures your attention. Sit with this text for a time. Let the words sink in or bathe you in their meaning. Internalize the words in the phrases to which you are drawn. Let the Spirit speak to you in its Sabbath rest. Set aside time to let the questions aid you in seeking after God’s heart, in discovering God’s yearning for you, in identifying those biblical images and norms that reflect Christlikeness, in identifying in yourself what needs to be “shed” to appropriate a Christlike life and live out the word images of Jesus and the inspired writers of scripture.

A year of living with the questions and a few chosen verses may not prepare you for your next Sunday School or small-group discussion, but spending time with a few scriptures and letting them take root in your heart will prepare you for living more Christlike. A trusted friend or prayer partner can help you in your journey by listening to your responses to the questions and providing encouragement and words of grace when necessary.

May your journey be “In Jesus’ Name.”