Beginning Friday, Oct. 14, an online art auction to support the Ukrainian crisis response, overseen by Brethren Disaster Ministries, will open and receive bids for 180 donated art items.

Beginning Friday, Oct. 14, an online art auction to support the Ukrainian crisis response, overseen by Brethren Disaster Ministries, will open and receive bids for 180 donated art items.
When Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in August 2021, Mechanicsburg (Pa.) Church of the Brethren member Sherri Kimmel worried about the family of a student she’d met through her work at Bucknell University. Her efforts to help that family led her to Church World Service (CWS), one of nine national organizations working with the US government to resettle the 76,000 Afghans lucky enough to reach the United States.
The Brethren Faith in Action Fund provides grants to outreach ministry projects of Church of the Brethren congregations that serve their communities, strengthen the congregation, and expand the reign of God. It was created with funds generated by the sale of the upper campus of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. Ministries that
Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to to subscribe or unsubscribe. Aug. 26, 2009 “The Lord is my portion” (Psalm 119:57a). NEWS 1) BBT sends notification letters for recalculated annuity benefits. 2) Haitian Brethren name provisional board, hold blessing for first ministers. 3) Workcamp ministry records another successful season.
“Stop and consider the wondrous works of God” (Job 37:14b). EARTH DAY 1) Environmental resources recommended by Brethren, ecumenical groups. 2) Brethren bits for Earth Day. UPCOMING EVENTS 3) Annual Conference to address five new business items, ends online registration May 8. 4) Cross Cultural Celebration to be webcast from Miami. 5) International Day of
“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “I will give thanks to the Lord…” (Psalm 9:1a). NEWS 1) Brethren Disaster Ministries opens new Hurricane Katrina site. 2) Church of the Brethren is lead sponsor of farm program in Nicaragua. 3) Seminar considers what it means to be a ‘real Samaritan.’ 4) Submissions
“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008″ (March 6, 2008) Samantha Carwile, Gabriel Dodd, Melisa Grandison, and John-Michael Pickens will make up this year’s Church of the Brethren Youth Peace Travel Team. The group will give peace programs at a variety of camps and conferences this summer. Carwile is a student at
October 10, 2007 “Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth” (Psalm 66:1). NEWS 1) Joint statement is issued from discussion of Annual Conference exhibit policy. 2) ABC Board receives multicultural sensitivity training. 3) Committee receives challenge from American Baptists. 4) Children’s Disaster Services trains ‘CJ’s Bus’ volunteers. 5) Atlantic Southeast District holds a
Church of the Brethren Newsline October 4, 2007 The Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC) Board and staff participated in multicultural sensitivity training during fall board meetings, held at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. Kathy Reid, ABC executive director, and Wendy McFadden, publisher of Brethren Press, provided the training. The training
“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10a NEWS 1) Church of the Brethren membership decline continues. 2) Brethren Benefit Trust screens top 25 defense contractors. 3) On Earth Peace board meets with Cross-Cultural Consultation. 4) Letter to President Bush supports UN Population Fund. 5) Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrance, personnel, and more. PERSONNEL