Mission Statement
The Brethren Historical Library and Archives is the official repository for Church of the Brethren publications and records. Its purpose is to:
- collect and preserve materials relating to the cultural, socio-economic, theological, genealogical, and institutional history of the Brethren;
- give historical perspective and understanding to the mission of the church;
- provide a centralized Brethren research center;
- serve as a clearinghouse for information on Brethren historical materials in other repositories.
Contact Information
Contact at 800-323-8039, direct line 847-429-4369 or brethrenarchives@brethren.org.
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Visit the Church of the Brethren historical videos YouTube channel or peruse a listing of historical videos.
Annual Conference minutes
Search Annual Conference minutes by theme:
Index of Annual Conference minutes, 1778-2004
Free Pamphlets
The Brethren Historical Library and Archives (BHLA) has a series of free pamphlets available on request. These include the following: