New & Renew

Coming Soon!
Watch for Updates on New & Renew 2025:
May 14-16, 2025

2023 New & Renew information

Matthew 28.16-20; Ephesians 4.11-16; John 20.19-20

Event Date: Wed.-Fri., May 17-19, 2023

Location: Onsite at the Church of the Brethren General Offices and livestreamed virtually.  This hybrid event will be recorded for all those registered.  CEUs will be offered both for live sessions and recordings.

Resource Library

For further information contact Randi Rowan at

Church Planting Network

Sponsored by:  Church of the Brethren through the Office of Discipleship and Leadership Formation and the New & Renew Advisory Team

Workshop opportunities  

Presenter bios

New and Renew flyer

New & Renew Advisory Team

Ryan Braught – Veritas Community, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Don Mitchell – Director of Church Development & Evangelism, Atlantic Northeast District
   Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Cesia Salcedo – Renacer Church of the Brethren, Floyd, Virginia, and Buen Pastor Church of the Brethren, Blacksburg, Virginia
Gina Wright-Hawkins – The Way, Roanoke, Virginia
Gilbert Romero – Restoration Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Discipleship & Leadership Formation staff: Randi Rowan, Stan Dueck

If you have any questions, please contact Randi Rowan,
Phone: 800-323-8039 ext. 303 or

Si tiene preguntas, por favor comuníquese con Randi Rowan:

Si ou genyen nenpot kesyon silvou plè kontakte Randi Rowan,