2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 21, 2010 Jarrod McKenna came all the way from Australia to preach at National Youth Conference. He is a self proclaimed “neo-Anabaptist” and a peace and justice activist from western Australia. Photo by Glenn Riegel He began by depreciating his own peace
Agape Love Is Lifted Up in Morning Worship
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 21, 2010 Dennis Webb, pastor of Naperville (Ill.) Church of the Brethren, preached for the Wednesday morning worship service at NYC. Photo by Glenn Riegel Preaching from the gospel story in John 12:1-8, Dennis Webb lifted up agape love for the
Anointing and Grace Are Offered in a Service Led by Bridgewater’s Scheppard
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 20, 2010 Carol Scheppard, dean of Academic Affairs at Bridgewater (Va.) College, preached for an evening service that concluded with anointing. The theme was grace. Photo by Glenn Riegel On a more contemplative night at National Youth Conference, when hundreds would
Douglas Is Honored for Her Years of Service as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 20, 2010 Chris Douglas (right) is honored for her years of service as the Church of the Brethren’s director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Douglas resigned last year from the youth ministry position to become the Conference director for the church.
Today at NYC
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 17-22, 2010 A peace vigil by On Earth Peace took place first thing this morning, before devotions led by Dana Cassell of Brethren Volunteer Service. Brethren videographer David Sollenberger spoke for morning worship, his message interspersed with video clips and photographs from 25 years of documenting the Church
Youth Speech Contest Winners Address NYC
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 19, 2010 As worship concluded Monday morning at National Youth Conference, singer songwriter Ken Medema summed up the service with a new song: “We are broken one and all, But still we hear God’s awesome call. Turn the rock over,
Today at NYC
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 17-22, 2010 The three winners of the youth speech contest on the NYC stage during worship on Monday morning: Arbie Karasek, Renee Neher, and Kelsey Boardman. Below: Shane Claiborne gave the evening message for worship. Photos by Glenn Riegel An early morning 5K
Claiborne Calls NYC to a Radical Revolution of Confession and Grace
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 19, 2010 Photo by Glenn Riegel “Who am I? Which voices do I trust? Who will really listen? What gift of God is in me?” These questions of identity and purpose, asked during a reader’s theater, helped open worship on Monday evening. The
Work Projects Take 700 Youth out to Serve the Community
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 19, 2010 A Monday afternoon service project had youth painting an anti-beaver concoction on trees at a natural area near Fort Collins. Photos by Frances TownsendThe Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center in Loveland was one of the Monday service projects at
International Guests Come to NYC from Brazil and Nigeria
2010 National Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren Fort Collins, Colo. — July 18, 2010 Israel Fereira Lopes Jr. greeted the NYC. He is one of the Brazilian youth representatives here this week. Below: Nigerian representative Markus Gamache (right) is interviewed by Frank Ramirez, a member of the NYC news team. Photos by Glenn Riegel