
Newsline for May 6, 2009

“All who believed were together and had all things in common” (Acts 2:44). NEWS 1) Ecumenical Blitz Build takes off in New Orleans. 2) Fuller Seminary to establish a chair in Anabaptist studies. 3) Brethren bits: Job opening, Spanish translators, legislation, more. PERSONNEL 4) Stephen Abe to conclude his service as West Marva District executive.

Newsline Special for March 12, 2009

The Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Contact cobnews@brethren.org to subscribe or unsubscribe.  March 12, 2009 “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord” (Psalm 22:27a). MISSION AND DISASTER RESPONSE NEWS 1) Dominican Brethren celebrate 18th Annual Conference. 2) Arroyo Salado Church construction project begins in the DR. 3)

Newsline for January 29, 2009

Newsline January 29, 2009 “God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8b). NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust issues a report on its investment losses. 2) Matching grant program for hunger relief gets off to a good start. 3) Leadership Team works toward revisions of church documents. 4) Outdoor Ministries Association holds annual meeting in Northwest.

Newsline for November 19, 2008

November 19, 2008 “Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Remember Jesus Christ…” (2 Timothy 2:8a). NEWS 1) Children’s Disaster Services responds to California wildfires. 2) Brethren funds disburse grants for disaster relief, food security. 3) Brethren support hunger report reviewing Millennium Development Goals. 4) Summit for progressive Brethren meets in Indianapolis.

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