
Newsline for January 29, 2009

Newsline January 29, 2009 “God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8b). NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust issues a report on its investment losses. 2) Matching grant program for hunger relief gets off to a good start. 3) Leadership Team works toward revisions of church documents. 4) Outdoor Ministries Association holds annual meeting in Northwest.

Newsline Special for January 9, 2009

“For the Lord…will having compassion on his suffering ones” (Isaiah 49:13b). NEWS 1) Brethren call for cease fire between Israel and Gaza. 2) On Earth Peace-sponsored delegation is in Israel and Palestine. 3) Church World Service is poised to deliver aid in Gaza. 4) WCC says Christians worldwide are acting on the Gaza crisis. **********************************************************

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