
Newsline Extra for February 12, 2009

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17). ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2009 1) Annual Conference Information Packet available online, registration begins Feb. 21. 2) Public policy leader on hunger to speak at Annual Conference. 3) Song and Story Fest to be held at Camp Peaceful Pines. 4) Cook-Huffman to lead

Brethren ‘Faith Expedition’ Visits Chiapas, Mexico

Church of the Brethren members have just returned from a 10-day Faith Expedition to the region of Chiapas, Mexico, sponsored by the Brethren Witness/Washington Office in partnership with Equal Exchange and Witness for Peace. The delegation spent several days in the town of San Cristobal exploring the history of Mexico and the effects of the

Bethany Theological Seminary to Hold Presidential Forum

Bethany Theological Seminary will host a Presidential Forum titled “Weaving Wisdom’s Tent: The Arts of Peace” on March 29-30. The event will be held at the seminary’s campus in Richmond, Ind. The forum will focus on spirituality, art, and peacemaking, and will include plenary sessions, workshops, small group reflection, presentation of student papers, and a

Annual Conference Information Packet Available Online, Registration Begins February 21

The Information Packet for the 2009 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren is now available online. The packet offers essential information about the Conference to take place in San Diego, Calif., on June 26-30, including information about registration fees, travel, housing, age group events, special presentations, and more. The information packet is available

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