
Helping Hands Benevolence Fund to the rescue

Oasis of Hope Fellowship (Iglesia Berith, Oasis De Esperanza) located in Lebanon, Pa., was recently able to make a difference in the life of a family in their church. This family found themselves in a difficult situation this summer. The roof of their home was damaged and water would come through the roof whenever there was rain.

JESUS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD: STORIES FROM CONGREGATIONS: Franklin Grove Church collaborates with Dixon congregation to celebrate the International Day of Peace

Franklin Grove (Ill.) Church of the Brethren honored the International Day of Peace through a special Sunday service and by giving away grant-funded, custom-made peace bookmarks and Dove-brand mini ice cream bars. Dixon (Ill.) Church of the Brethren collaborated with Franklin Grove. Their giveaway was the same day at Oliver’s Corner Market in Dixon.

JESUS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD: STORIES FROM CONGREGATIONS: Ephrata Church encourages families to host block parties

In July, we encouraged our congregation at Ephrata (Pa.) Church of the Brethren to go out and be “Jesus in the neighborhood.” It can be challenging to meet and get to know your neighbors when many families stay to themselves and are so busy. Being Jesus to a neighbor can be as simple as helping them carry in their groceries, or mowing someone’s yard when they’re going through a hard time, or just asking how they really are doing.

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