
Thursday, Jan. 16, is declared a day of prayer and fasting for the Church of the Brethren, at the request of Atlantic Southeast District

The Church of the Brethren’s Mission and Ministry Board has declared Thursday, Jan. 16, a day of prayer and fasting for the denomination, at the request of the board of the church’s Atlantic Southeast District. The declaration invites all Church of the Brethren congregations, projects, fellowships, the board, and the denominational staff to participate.

Mission and Ministry Board approves 2025 budget for denominational ministries, affirms day of prayer and fasting for immigrants

The Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board held a special Zoom meeting Dec. 5 to act on a proposal for the 2025 budget for denominational ministries. Two items were acted on: The board approved the 2025 budget proposal brought by general secretary David Steele and treasurer Ed Woolf and recommended by the Executive Committee. The board supported a request from the board of Atlantic Southeast District for a day of prayer and fasting for immigrants.

Atlantic Southeast District announces staff appointments

Atlantic Southeast District has called Michaela Alphonse to serve as temporary director of program, a part-time role she began this past February and will resume Aug. 1 after she completes a pastoral sabbatical. The district has called Larry O’Neill to serve as director of English ministries, a role he began on March 23.

Victoria (Vicki) Ehret resigns from role with Atlantic Southeast District

Victoria (Vicki) Ehret has resigned as director of administration for the District Executive Minister Team of the Church of the Brethren’s Atlantic Southeast District. She began in the position as interim district executive minister on Jan. 25, 2021, for a period of six months, after which she transitioned to her present role. She will conclude her role by June 30, or sooner, upon the hiring by the district board of an interim to fill the position.

First Church in North Fort Myers is a focal point for relief work following Hurricane Ian

The last few months at First Church of the Brethren North Fort Myers, Fla., has shown us all that God is truly in the details of our lives and our church. The strategic location of our building and the large parking lot made us the focal point of essential water and food distribution after the devastation our community received from Hurricane Ian.

Jesus Lounge Ministry partners to support at-risk youth

Jesus Lounge Ministry has partnered with the Student Life Alliance in West Palm Beach, Fla., where pastor Founa Augustin Badet is the treasurer, and the Delray Beach Library “Let’s Talk Period” program to support at-risk teens and tweens with hygiene and feminine hygiene kits. The ministry is a Church of the Brethren new church start in Atlantic Southeast District.

Brethren Disaster Ministries, districts work on hurricane response

Hurricane Ian caused catastrophic damage along Florida’s southwest coast on Sept. 28 when it made landfall near Fort Myers. More than a week later, first responders are still out searching the hardest hit neighborhoods for survivors. With the death toll over 100, this storm is one of the deadliest in the state’s history. The level of damage has impeded relief and response efforts as volunteers come to help. Shelter and rental cars are scarce in the state, with many volunteers driving over two hours to get to the damage zone each day.

A dozen churches are welcomed into the denomination

At the opening business session, Stan Dueck, co-coordinator of Discipleship Ministries, introduced church groups accepted into the denomination. Twelve groups are being recognized in 2022. Also, four groups were reintroduced that were formally recognized at the 2021 virtual Annual Conference.

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