
EDF grants offer aid and relief in Haiti, the United States, Ukraine and Poland, the DRC, and Rwanda

Brethren Disaster Ministries has directed grants from the Church of the Brethren’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) to respond to multiple crises in Haiti, support continued Brethren Disaster Ministries work following 2022’s summer flooding in the central United States, aid displaced Ukrainians with disabilities, provide school kits for displaced children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, provide flood relief in Rwanda, and support a summer program for migrant children in Washington, D.C.

The Holy Spirit is the first firefly

This year I caught a glimpse of the first firefly next to a pile of refuse near our back gate, blinking beautifully and hopefully in an abandoned place. When we celebrate Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. The disciples gathered in prayer, hidden in a room, in fear. While there may have been hope and expectation, it was likely tentative. I imagine it felt like an abandoned place. Into that place of fear and disorientation came a blinking light. A flicker of flames amidst a rush of wind.

Washington City supports asylum seekers bused to nation’s capital

Due to numerous humanitarian crises around the world, thousands of people are seeking asylum in the United States, some of whom make perilous journeys to the southern border. In April 2022, the state of Texas began sending many of these asylum seekers in buses to Washington, D.C., without plans for their care or in coordination with the city government or others in the area.

Interfaith Prayer Service marks 20th anniversary of 9/11

The Church of the Brethren’s Office of Peacebuilding and Policy is taking part in an Interfaith Prayer Service marking the 20th anniversary of 9/11, to be held at Washington City Church of the Brethren on Saturday, Sept. 11, at 3 p.m. (Eastern time). The service also will be available online via Zoom. Click this link to join the webinar:

Newsline Extra for March 3, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “…You also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God” (Ephesians 2:22). UPDATE ON TOGETHER CONVERSATIONS 1) Overview of Together conversations to be published as a book. 2) A story from the Together conversations: ‘Salad Oil and the Church.’ UPCOMING EVENTS 3) New

Newsline for March 28, 2007

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” — John 1:5 NEWS 1) Christian Peace Witness for Iraq is ‘a candle in the darkness.’ 2) Vital Pastor program continues to launch and conclude pastor groups. 3) Disaster Child Care provides training workshops. 4) Brethren Disaster Response appeals for more volunteers.

Newsline for February 14, 2007

“…Let us love one another, because love is from God…,” — 1 John 4:7a NEWS 1) Faith expedition takes Brethren to Vietnam. 2) Brethren bits: Personnel, job openings, trips, and much more. UPCOMING EVENTS 3) New African-American music group to tour. 4) Brethren help sponsor christian peace witness on war anniversary. 5) Plans progress for

Brethren Invited to Join March to End Iraq War

(Jan. 19, 2007) — Brethren have been invited to join in a March on Washington to End the Iraq War, to take place in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 27. The invitation was extended by the Brethren Witness/Washington Office of the General Board, and by On Earth Peace. In an e-mail to its Peace Witness Action

Lancaster Will Host Church of the Brethren Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration

The Church of the Brethren’s annual Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration will be coming to Lancaster, Pa., the first weekend in May. Some 150 Church of the Brethren members from across the United States and Puerto Rico are expected to attend the event May 4-7 at Lancaster Church of the Brethren. The cross cultural worship

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