Newsline for January 30, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “…See, I am sending you out…” (Luke 10:3b). NEWS 1) Brethren join in Butler Chapel celebration of rebuilding. 2) On Earth Peace delegation travels to the West Bank and Israel. 3) Young Center raises more than $2 million to earn NEH grant. 4) Efforts to

Juniata College Commemorates Historic Founders Hall Chapel on January 24

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008″ (Jan. 22, 2008) — Juniata College officials will honor the college’s longstanding connection to the Church of the Brethren by holding a commemorative service in what was originally the college chapel (now the registrar’s office) in Founders Hall at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 24. Juniata

Newsline Extra for January 16, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” 1) 300th Anniversary update: Pentecost offering will support churches, districts, denomination. 2) 300th Anniversary bits and pieces. For Newsline subscription information go to For more Church of the Brethren news go to, click on “News” to find a news feature, links to Brethren

Newsline for January 2, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “…Walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8b). NEWS 1) Visit to India Brethren finds a church maintaining its faith. 2) Historic Peace Churches Asia gathering is held in Indonesia. 3) Grants help continue Hurricane Katrina rebuilding efforts. 4) Nigerian church leader completes doctoral study on

Newsline for December 5, 2007

December 5, 2007 “…Let us walk in the light of the Lord” (Isaiah 2:5b). NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary trustees welcome new president and new chair. 2) Vital Pastors ‘cohort groups’ report at conference in San Antonio. 3) National Council receives text of social creed for 21st century. 4) Brethren share 300th Anniversary devotional at NCC

Course Offerings for 2008 Announced by Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership

Church of the Brethren Newsline December 3, 2007 The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership has announced an initial schedule of courses for 2008. These courses are open to students in the Training in Ministry (TRIM) and Education for Shared Ministry (EFSM) programs, as well as pastors and laypeople. The academy is a ministry training partnership

Brethren Benefit Trust President Announces Retirement

Church of the Brethren Newsline November 19, 2007 Wilfred E. Nolen, president of Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) since the agency’s inception in 1988 and chief administrator and trustee of the Church of the Brethren Pension Board since 1983, has announced that he will retire in 2008. Nolen informed the BBT Board of Directors of his

Bethany Theological Seminary to Offer Offsite Classes in Spring Semester

Church of the Brethren Newsline November 13, 2007 Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., will offer four offsite classes during the Spring 2008 semester, focusing on Brethren heritage, Brethren polity, conflict resolution, and biblical studies. A class titled “Brethren Beliefs and Practices” will be offered at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College on Feb. 29-March 1, March 14-15,

Bethany Theological Seminary Welcomes New President and Chair

Church of the Brethren Newsline November 9, 2007 The Bethany Theological Seminary Board of Trustees met on Oct. 26-28 in Richmond, Ind., led by a new chair and a new president. The meeting began with a time of worship and an anointing service for incoming Bethany Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen. Board chair Ted Flory

Newsline for October 24, 2007

October 24, 2007 “Let all things be done for building up” (1 Corinthians 14:26). NEWS 1) On Earth Peace holds fall meeting on theme of ‘Building Bridges.’ 2) ABC seeks child safety policies from congregations. 3) Brethren Disaster Ministries opens Minnesota project. 4) Nappanee church pig roast becomes disaster response event. 5) Grants to agriculture

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