
Newsline for January 30, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “…See, I am sending you out…” (Luke 10:3b). NEWS 1) Brethren join in Butler Chapel celebration of rebuilding. 2) On Earth Peace delegation travels to the West Bank and Israel. 3) Young Center raises more than $2 million to earn NEH grant. 4) Efforts to

Newsline for August 1, 2007

“I will give thanks to the Lord….” Psalm 9:1a NEWS 1) Butler Chapel celebrates tenth anniversary of rebuilding. 2) Foods Resource Bank holds annual meeting. 3) Grants support DR community development, Katrina relief. 4) ABC encourages support of SCHIP reauthorization. 5) Brethren bits: Personnel, job openings, Annual Conference, more. UPCOMING EVENTS 6) Course offerings are

Butler Chapel Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Rebuilding

Church of the Brethren Newsline July 26, 2007 Ten years have passed since hundreds of Church of the Brethren volunteers helped to build a new Butler Chapel AME Church in Orangeburg, S.C. The original church was burned by arson. Local church leaders there are now planning a major 10th Anniversary celebration to be held Jan.

Newsline for January 9, 1998

1) The Manchester Church of the Brethren, North Manchester, Ind., was destroyed Wednesday by fire. 2) A Manchester congregation member reflects on what was lost, but what was saved. 3) The Butler Chapel A.M.E. church in Orangeburg, S.C. will be dedicated this weekend. 4) WWW.Brethren.Org, the new official denominational web site, is now online with information about the Butler

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