
Newsline for October 24, 2007

October 24, 2007 “Let all things be done for building up” (1 Corinthians 14:26). NEWS 1) On Earth Peace holds fall meeting on theme of ‘Building Bridges.’ 2) ABC seeks child safety policies from congregations. 3) Brethren Disaster Ministries opens Minnesota project. 4) Nappanee church pig roast becomes disaster response event. 5) Grants to agriculture

Newsline for June 21, 2006

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed…” — Romans 12:2 NEWS 1) PBS to feature Civilian Public Service on ‘History Detectives.’ 2) Young adults are called to experience transformation. 3) IMA supports Brethren response to Katrina and Rita disasters. 4) Mid-Atlantic Disaster Auction sets record. 5) Young Center announces Donald F. Durnbaugh

McPherson Hires Thomas Hurst as Campus Minister

McPherson (Kan.) College has announced that Thomas Hurst has accepted the position of campus minister. A life-long member of the Church of the Brethren, Hurst comes to McPherson from Westminster, Md., where he is currently working as Mid-Atlantic Regional Field Manager for AFS Intercultural Programs. As a manager he secures family and school placements for

Newsline for April 26, 2006

“It shall be said, `Build up, build up, prepare the way….” — Isaiah 57:14 NEWS 1) Workcamp builds bridges in Guatemala. 2) Womaen’s Caucus steering committee works on women’s concerns. 3) Disaster Child Care staff, volunteers attend special trainings. 4) Nigerian Brethren hold 59th annual church conference. 5) Brethren bits: Correction, job opening, and much

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