
James Deaton resigns as managing editor of Brethren Press

James Deaton has resigned as managing editor for Brethren Press. He concludes his work with the Church of the Brethren on May 24. He will be taking a position as communications content editor for the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Spring resources from Brethren Press include special edition of A Guide for Biblical Studies, Covenant Bible Study focused on Paul, Easter special on Bible storybooks

The new special edition of A Guide for Biblical Studies in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Committee on the Uniform Series is just one of the Spring specials from Brethren Press. The Church of the Brethren publishing house is offering special discount prices on children’s Bible storybooks, through March, and free downloadable children’s resources to accompany the illustrated storybook Maria’s Kit of Comfort. Also now available is the most recent Covenant Bible Study titled The Circle of Paul.

Brethren Press publishes 2022 Lent devotional

“We Wait for Light” is the title of the 2022 Lent devotional for Ash Wednesday through Easter published by Brethren Press. The author of the devotional is Walt Wiltschek, district executive minister for Illinois and Wisconsin District and a member of the editorial team for the Church of the Brethren magazine Messenger.

Curious about the new Forerunners faces

Brethren Press’ Forerunners card game has me curious about the new faces that were added in the second edition. One of the new faces is a Northern Plains woman, Julia Gilbert (1844-1934).

Brethren Press Advent devotional breaks sales records

The 2021 Advent devotional from Brethren Press, Do Not Be Afraid by Angela Finet, has broken previous sales records for the devotional booklets. More than 7,000 copies of the devotional have gone out so far this Advent season, including copies in regular and large print, and as digital downloads.

New books tells Rebecca Dali’s story

What fuels Rebecca Dali’s passion when “responding with compassion to the most vulnerable persons in northeastern Nigeria”? According to Dali it is her personal story and history–one of “poverty, frustration, rape, a son abducted (by Boko Haram) 11 years ago”–that inspire her life’s work.

Mission and Ministry Board approves 2022 budget for denominational ministries

At its fall meeting on Oct. 15-17, the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board approved a 2022 budget for denominational ministries. Among other actions, the board also moved the Brethren Press budget into the denomination’s Core Ministries, ending the publishing house’s status as a self-funding ministry. The board received a year-to-date financial update for 2021 and numerous reports from ministry areas, board committees, and church agencies.

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