Brethren Press has new books and resources available for churches entering into the Fall and a new season for Sunday school classes.

Brethren Press has new books and resources available for churches entering into the Fall and a new season for Sunday school classes.
Wondering how to keep the kids occupied on that long car ride to the beach? Need something new for family game night? Are you looking for something to give to families before they head off on summer vacations? Look no further—Shine has you covered! We are excited to share more about the new “Follow the Peace Path Cards” that are a part of our Shine Everywhere initiative.
Our next series of seasonal devotionals from Brethren Press are offered for Advent 2023 and Lent 2024. These paperback, pocket-sized books are suitable for individual use and for churches to give to their members: “All Things New” by Kevin Kessler (Advent 2023), “Through Thick and Thin” by Beth Sollenberger (Lent 2024)
A grant of $1,250,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. will support the development of Shine: Living in God’s Light. MennoMedia received the grant on behalf of Shine, a joint publication of MennoMedia and Brethren Press. The grant is part of Lilly Endowment’s Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative, which aims to help parents and caregivers share their faith and values with their children.
Brethren Press is sharing information about three new and upcoming books: A Year of Living Differently, which is being published to mark the 75th year of Brethren Volunteer Service; The Peace Table, a new storybook Bible from the Shine curriculum jointly produced by Brethren Press and MennoMedia; and Luke and Acts: Turning the World Upside Down by Church of the Brethren biblical scholars Christina Bucher and Robert W. Neff.
New resources offered through Brethren Press, the Church of the Brethren publishing house, include several new Bible study resources for children and adults, as well as a new Vacation Bible School curriculum for this summer, and the Lenten devotional for 2023.
Registration is now open for a webinar titled “Where Did They Go? Reconnecting with Kids and Families,” offered by the Shine curriculum, a joint program of Brethren Press and MennoMedia. The online event is free, scheduled for Monday, May 16, at 7 p.m. (Eastern time).
The Shine curriculum from Brethren Press and MennoMedia is offering a webinar on July 27 at 7 p.m. (Eastern time) for those interested in finding out more about what is planned for the fall quarter. Registration is now open at
“You told us that you’d like a choice, so we’re offering both print and digital teaching resources this fall,” said an announcement from Brethren Press and the Shine curriculum produced jointly with MennoMedia.
The peace program of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) held a Trauma Healing Workshop on Feb. 21-24. Forty-two Sunday school teachers from 15 districts attended.