Brethren bits for March 12, 2021

In this issue: Brethren books donated to Harsh-Neher Library at Yangquan You’ai Hospital; job opening; Moderator’s Town Hall; prayers of Thanksgiving in Haiti; Bethany Peace Essay Contest; and more news by, for, and about Brethren.

Overflowing with hope: An interview with NOAC coordinator Christy Waltersdorff

This week, Newsline editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford interviewed National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) coordinator Christy Waltersdorff. The NOAC Planning Team has made the decision that the conference, held every two years, will be fully online in 2021 instead of in-person at its usual site in Lake Junaluska, N.C. Dates are Sept. 6-10. Registration starts May 1 at

Newsline for March 5, 2021

1) Multi-vocational ministers gather for book studies
2) Boko Haram released pastor abducted in Pemi, Nigeria, before deadline
3) Ministers conference in Nigeria held under strict COVID-19 protocols

4) Webinar to focus on ways churches are navigating pandemic challenges

5) Brethren bits: Recording of denominational worship service is available, remembering Dale Ulrich and Sr. Dianna Ortiz, Mission and Ministry Board meets next weekend, ‘Peacebuilding When We’re So Divided,’ news from congregations, districts, ecumenical partners, and more

Brethren bits for March 5, 2021

In this issue: Recording of denominational worship service is available, remembering Dale Ulrich and Sr. Dianna Ortiz, MMB meets next weekend, ‘Peacebuilding When We’re So Divided,’ news from congregations, districts, ecumenical partners, and more.

Multi-vocational ministers gather for book studies

Multi-vocational ministers have been gathering together virtually to study and share their experience as part of Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church. This program is offered through the Thriving in Ministry initiative of the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Ministry. Participants have been sharing insights during two book studies.

Ministers conference in Nigeria held under strict COVID-19 protocols

Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) conducted its Annual Ministers Conference under strict adherence to COVID-19 protocols, with minimal numbers of participants, on Feb. 16-19 at the EYN Headquarters in Kwarhi, Hong Local Government Area, Adamawa State.

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