Nigeria Crisis Response will continue into 2022

The Nigeria Crisis Response budget for 2022 has been set at $183,000 after careful deliberation. Five years ago, we expected the Nigerian government would restore order in northeast Nigeria and families could return to their homes while the response supported their recovery. This led to planning to end the crisis response in 2021, but these plans had to be revised due to ongoing violence.

Brethren Disaster Ministries completes tornado project in Dayton with help from grants

Brethren Disaster Ministries has received an additional grant from the Greater Dayton Disaster Relief Fund of The Dayton Foundation. This $10,000 award will cover a portion of the final expenses of the Brethren Disaster Ministries tornado rebuilding site in Dayton that will be completely closed by Thanksgiving. Supported expenses include various volunteer housing and meal support; tools, equipment, construction materials and supplies; and vehicle-related expenses and fuel.

A container of faith: Brethren in Miami send relief goods to earthquake survivors in Haiti

When we at Eglise des Freres Haitiens in Miami, Fla., decided to ship a container to Haiti, we had no idea how it would play out. We didn’t know how much it would cost and whether we would have enough money to ship. We didn’t know whether we would have enough supplies to fill a 40-foot container. We didn’t know anyone in Haiti who knows the custom system, with the connections to help us. But we didn’t give in to the fear and concerns that we have felt. We stepped out in faith and God made it all possible.

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