
Brethren Disaster Ministries finalizes location for new short-term rebuilding project

The Brethren Disaster Ministries Rebuilding program has exciting news to share about our work this fall! The location has now been finalized for the short-term schedule of volunteers set for Project 2 this September through November. These groups of volunteers and leaders will return to continue serving the Dawson Springs, Ky., 2021 tornado recovery.

Strangers no more: Panel shares about ministering with immigrants and refugees

On Friday, July 5, six panelists presented a hybrid equipping session titled Strangers No More: Ministry with Immigrants, Refugees, and Other Newcomers. They shared about their experiences with welcoming ministries, what their congregations have done for newcomers to the United States, and what advice they have for communities hoping to start engaging in this ministry.

Leading Church of the Brethren staff visit South Sudan

In November 2023, the executive directors of the Church of the Brethren’s Service Ministries and Global Mission departments, Roy Winter and Eric Miller respectively, visited South Sudan for six days. During that time, they met with Athanasus Ungang, who is country director of Brethren Global Services, the Church of the Brethren mission project there.

Mission and Ministry Board makes decision to close Material Resources program

The Mission and Ministry Board has decided to close the Church of the Brethren’s Material Resources program based at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. The decision made on Oct. 21, during the board’s fall 2023 meetings, is to wind down the program over a period of up to 30 months. Brethren Disaster Ministries and Children’s Disaster Services are not affected.

Material Resources has a banner week

Monday of this week was the busiest day at the Material Resources warehouse in years. Staff unloaded 1 trailer from Ohio, 4 trailers from Wisconsin, 1 trailer from Pennsylvania, 3 U-Haul trucks from Pennsylvania, and quite a few cars, pickup trucks, and a church bus filled with donations for Lutheran World Relief.

Annual Tripartite Meeting of Nigeria partnership is held virtually this year

On Dec. 8, the annual Tripartite Meeting between the Church of the Brethren, Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), and Mission 21 (a German and Swiss mission organization) was held via Zoom. EYN staff participated from the Technology Center in Jos, Nigeria, that was constructed with support from Bethany Theological Seminary.

Newsline for June 7, 2006

“When you send forth your spirit….” — Psalm 104:30 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust explores ways to offset cost of medical insurance. 2) New guidelines issued for denominational memorial tribute. 3) On Earth Peace board begins strategic planning process. 4) Global Food Crisis Fund supports micro credit in Dominican Republic. 5) El Fondo para la

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