The 2024 Annual Conference today, Saturday, July 6, acted on “Query: A New Model of Denominational Structure,” which was brought by Miami (Fla.) Haitian Church of the Brethren and Atlantic Southeast District.

The 2024 Annual Conference today, Saturday, July 6, acted on “Query: A New Model of Denominational Structure,” which was brought by Miami (Fla.) Haitian Church of the Brethren and Atlantic Southeast District.
The Miami (Fla.) Haitian Church was established by Miami First Church of the Brethren in 1982. This coming month of March, the congregation will celebrate its 40th anniversary.
When we at Eglise des Freres Haitiens in Miami, Fla., decided to ship a container to Haiti, we had no idea how it would play out. We didn’t know how much it would cost and whether we would have enough money to ship. We didn’t know whether we would have enough supplies to fill a 40-foot container. We didn’t know anyone in Haiti who knows the custom system, with the connections to help us. But we didn’t give in to the fear and concerns that we have felt. We stepped out in faith and God made it all possible.
The 85th house to be constructed by Brethren Disaster Ministries in Haiti has been completed for the family of Jean Bily Telfort, who serves as general secretary of L’Eglise des Freres Haitiens (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti).Photo by Jeff Boshart The Church of the Brethren is providing help to communities and neighborhoods of
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Church of the Brethren Newsline Eglise des Freres Haitiens (the Haitian Church of the Brethren) distribute canned chicken during a worship celebration at which the church held a blessing for its first ordained and licensed ministers. The canned meat was donated by Southern Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic Districts, and sent to Haiti with help from
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