
More than two dozen Christian and Jewish denominations and associations—including the Church of the Brethren—sue to protect religious freedoms

Más de dos docenas de denominaciones y asociaciones cristianas y judías demandan para proteger las libertades religiosas (lea más en español a continuación) Reversal of the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Sensitive Locations’ Policy interferes with central religious beliefs, violates both the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Today, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy

Statement of priorities guides budget decision by Mission and Ministry Board

A statement outlining a set of ministry priorities for the Church of the Brethren denomination has guided the Mission and Ministry Board’s decision on the 2025 budget. These priorities, identified by executive-level staff following a series of retreats that general secretary David Steele held over the past year, were outlined by Steele working with the Executive Committee.

A call to prayer for Ukraine

General secretary David Steele invites the members, congregations, and districts of the Church of the Brethren into prayer for the crisis in Ukraine.

Together let us be Jesus in the neighborhood

Together, we concluded a four-year process of discernment earlier this year as the Annual Conference delegates virtually affirmed the compelling vision. Our Jesus in the neighborhood vision statement is now our Church of the Brethren vision.

Prayers for Haiti and the Haitian Brethren

The Church of the Brethren extends its prayers on behalf of our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ due to the devastating earthquake that hit the island nation on Saturday. We mourn for the loss of life, shelter, and basic needs, and are deeply concerned for the impending tropical storm. Heavy rains were forecast for today.

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