Newsline January 14, 2009 “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). NEWS 1) Gather ’Round looks at the future. 2) New Church Development Advisory Committee meets, visions. 3) McPherson County congregations support Growing Project. 4) Camp Mack helps feed the hungry locally, and in Guatemala. 5) Brethren bits: Correction, job openings, inauguration, and more.
Tag: Malawi
Newsline for August 30, 2006
“Ascribe power to God….” — Psalm 68:34a NEWS 1) ‘Proclaim the Power of God’ is theme for Annual Conference 2007. 2) El Tema de la Conferencia Anual de 2007 es ‘Proclamar el Poder de Dios.’ 3) Brethren Service Center committee holds first meeting. 4) Shipments of relief materials continue one year after Katrina. 5) ‘Being