
Hard Hitting Panel Discussion Critiques World Economic System

Can the market sow peace and security? Or does our worldwide economic system inevitably exclude the poor and have nots? These were the two crucial questions posed to a panel during a hard-hitting plenary session, talk-show style, on May 21. “Peace in the Marketplace” was the theme for the day at the International Ecumenical Peace

Newsline for May 6, 2009

“All who believed were together and had all things in common” (Acts 2:44). NEWS 1) Ecumenical Blitz Build takes off in New Orleans. 2) Fuller Seminary to establish a chair in Anabaptist studies. 3) Brethren bits: Job opening, Spanish translators, legislation, more. PERSONNEL 4) Stephen Abe to conclude his service as West Marva District executive.

Newsline Extra for September 17, 2008

“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” (Matthew 18:5). 1) Children’s Disaster Services cares for children displaced by Ike. 2) Rapid response team helps families affected by Metrolink crash. 3) Material Resources program ships supplies to hurricane survivors. 4) Church World Service

Letter to President Bush Supports UN Population Fund

(June 1, 2007) — The Brethren Witness/Washington Office has sent a letter to President Bush regarding funding of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The letter dated April 20 was signed by Phil Jones as director of the office, which is a ministry of the General Board. The letter described the fund as “an international

Newsline for August 30, 2006

“Ascribe power to God….” — Psalm 68:34a NEWS 1) ‘Proclaim the Power of God’ is theme for Annual Conference 2007. 2) El Tema de la Conferencia Anual de 2007 es ‘Proclamar el Poder de Dios.’ 3) Brethren Service Center committee holds first meeting. 4) Shipments of relief materials continue one year after Katrina. 5) ‘Being

Newsline for July 19, 2006

“…Love one another….” — John 13:34b NEWS 1) Nigeria love offering yields $20,000 to rebuild and heal. 2) Emergency Disaster Fund issues more than $470,000 in grants. 3) Northern Plains holds first District Conference of the season. 4) Brethren bits: Job opening, honors, and much more. PERSONNEL 5) Leiter resigns as director of Information Services

Emergency Disaster Fund Issues More Than $400,000 in Grants

Recent grants from the Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) total $411,400 for disaster relief work around the world. The fund is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board. A grant of $350,000 for longterm recovery work in southern Asia following the Dec. 2004 tsunami was announced at the General Board meeting in Des

Newsline for June 7, 2006

“When you send forth your spirit….” — Psalm 104:30 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust explores ways to offset cost of medical insurance. 2) New guidelines issued for denominational memorial tribute. 3) On Earth Peace board begins strategic planning process. 4) Global Food Crisis Fund supports micro credit in Dominican Republic. 5) El Fondo para la

Global Food Crisis Fund Supports Micro Credit in Dominican Republic

In poor countries like the Dominican Republic, micro-credit is one of the few options many people have to earn a living, according to a report from Global Food Crisis Fund manager Howard Royer. The fund is giving a grant of $66,500 to cover the 2006 budget of a Church of the Brethren microloan program in

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