
Newsline for August 30, 2006

“Ascribe power to God….” — Psalm 68:34a NEWS 1) ‘Proclaim the Power of God’ is theme for Annual Conference 2007. 2) El Tema de la Conferencia Anual de 2007 es ‘Proclamar el Poder de Dios.’ 3) Brethren Service Center committee holds first meeting. 4) Shipments of relief materials continue one year after Katrina. 5) ‘Being

Newsline for June 21, 2006

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed…” — Romans 12:2 NEWS 1) PBS to feature Civilian Public Service on ‘History Detectives.’ 2) Young adults are called to experience transformation. 3) IMA supports Brethren response to Katrina and Rita disasters. 4) Mid-Atlantic Disaster Auction sets record. 5) Young Center announces Donald F. Durnbaugh

Spiritual Directors Are Called to ‘Listen with the Heart.’

By Connie Burkholder What is the connection between the ministry of being with the dying, and the ministry of being a spiritual director? That question was prompted by the theme for the Church of the Brethren spiritual directors’ retreat May 22-24 at Shepherd’s Spring, the camp and conference center of Mid-Atlantic District. About two dozen

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