
Observance of 150th Anniversary of John Kline’s Death

A play about the last few weeks in the life of martyr John Kline was an added feature in the 150th anniversary of the death of the Civil War-era Brethren leader, who was shot from ambush on June 15, 1864.

Newsline for April 6, 2011

And Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.” (John 12:23) NEWS 1)  Global Food Crisis Fund makes grant to North Korea 2)  Church of the Brethren Credit Union proposes merger 3)  CWS expedites relief to thousands in neglected coastal cities PERSONNEL 4)  Steve Gregory to retire

Out of a Small Green Box: A Rediscovered Manuscript on John Kline

Shortly after assuming the directorship of the Brethren Historical Library and Archives (BHLA) on Nov. 1, 2010, I examined a small green box in my office labeled, “Original Penciled Manuscript of book LIFE OF JOHN KLINE by Funk.” I quickly realized that I was looking at Benjamin Funk’s original hand-written manuscript (partial) for his book, “Life

Newsline for February 9, 2011

Feb. 21 is the last day to register delegates to the 2011 Annual Conference at the early registration price of $275. After Feb. 21, delegate registration increases to $300. The Conference takes place in Grand Rapids, Mich., on July 2-6. “If your congregation has not yet registered its delegate/s, please do so at www.brethren.org/ac no later

Newsline for January 3, 2007

“…And the flame shall not consume you.” — Isaiah 43:2b NEWS 1) Ohio church burns on Christmas Eve, district calls for prayer. 2) Anabaptist leaders visit New Orleans. 3) Association of Brethren Caregivers sets budget for next two years. 4) Advocate Bethany Hospital seeks donations of prayer shawls. 5) Outdoor Ministries Association hears from denominational

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