
Brethren Witness/Washington Office Director Attends World Peace Assembly in Japan

Phil Jones, director of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office of the Church of the Brethren General Board, has participated in the VIIIth World Assembly of Religions for Peace in Kyoto, Japan, on Aug. 26-29. The assembly met on the theme “Confronting Violence and Advancing Shared Security.” More than 800 representatives of all the major world religions,

Newsline for June 7, 2006

“When you send forth your spirit….” — Psalm 104:30 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust explores ways to offset cost of medical insurance. 2) New guidelines issued for denominational memorial tribute. 3) On Earth Peace board begins strategic planning process. 4) Global Food Crisis Fund supports micro credit in Dominican Republic. 5) El Fondo para la

Global Food Crisis Fund Supports Micro Credit in Dominican Republic

In poor countries like the Dominican Republic, micro-credit is one of the few options many people have to earn a living, according to a report from Global Food Crisis Fund manager Howard Royer. The fund is giving a grant of $66,500 to cover the 2006 budget of a Church of the Brethren microloan program in

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