The 2024 Annual Conference today, Saturday, July 6, acted on “Query: A New Model of Denominational Structure,” which was brought by Miami (Fla.) Haitian Church of the Brethren and Atlantic Southeast District.
The delegates approved a recommendation from the Standing Committee of district delegates that the concern of the query be accepted as a legitimate question and referred to the Review and Evaluation Committee.
The query notes “serious conflict and division around issues of human sexuality and biblical authority” in the denomination, cites several groups that it contends are experiencing frustration in particular, and states that “many want to continue to embrace basic Brethren beliefs and practices but feel alienated from the denomination.”
It asks, “How might a new model of denominational structure support growth and vitality; address the issues that threaten the unity and viability of our beloved denomination; and offer hope to individuals and congregations who are contemplating separation from the Church of the Brethren?”
The item elicited much discussion at the microphones. Several comments expressed appreciation for the query’s focus on “how” and for the Haitian Brethren bringing the query, anticipating an opportunity to work in a more structural way toward becoming a truly multicultural denomination. One delegate said that the question of “how to be and remain Brethren” was appreciated, but questioned the query’s assumption of an opposition between the values of inclusiveness with regard to sexuality, and the ability to be a multicultural church.
Some speakers referred to the 1983 Annual Conference paper on human sexuality, expressing various attitudes toward it. One told those who disagree with that paper to leave the church. Others responded by citing the value of love for each other, as taught by Jesus. Moderator Madalyn Metzger at one point announced that speeches from the microphones must adhere to the business at hand or be ruled out of order.
In pre-Conference meetings of Standing Committee, the moderator had explained potential outcomes of the query, including the example of districts shifting from being geographically based to being organized around theological alignments.
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