An Overview of Brethren Accomplishments in Haiti, 2010-2011

This listing of work and achievements of the Brethren in Haiti 2010-2011 was compiled by Klebert Exceus, who has led the Brethren Disaster Ministries building projects there (translated from French with the help of Jeff Boshart). All disaster related relief and response programs were funded by Brethren Disaster Ministries via the Emergency Disaster Fund including support for strategic partnerships and much of the agricultural work, except where it is noted that the Global Food Crisis Fund supported the project. All of the church building was made possible through special donations from congregations and individuals to the Emerging Global Mission Fund.

Newsline for Jan. 11, 2012

The Jan. 11, 2012, issue of Newsline includes the following stories: 1) Brethren mark the second anniversary of Haiti’s earthquake. 2) An overview of Brethren accomplishments in Haiti, 2010-2011. 3) A reflection on the Haiti earthquake: Two years of recovery. 4) Dear beloved Church of the Brethren: A letter from Port-au-Prince. 5) Thoughts from Haiti on the new year. 6) BBT members, clients invest $700,000 in low-income communities. 7) Dueck offers coaching, resources on ‘Emotional Intelligence.’
8) Gross moves into new role at On Earth Peace. 9) Church’s Elgin warehouse to be collection point for MLK food drive. 10) Brethren colleges hold events honoring Martin Luther King Jr.
11) Schedule, workshop topics, DVD available for congregational workshop. 12) New Church Development Conference registration opens Jan. 17. 13) New from Brethren Press: Devotions for Lent, hymn plaque, more. 14) Brethren bits: Remembrance, personnel, prayer for Nigeria, and more.

Board Gives Provisional Approval to Ministerial Leadership Paper, Makes Haiti Earthquake Grant

In addition to its decision to cease operation of the New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center (reported in Newsline on Sunday, Oct. 16), the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board in its Fall meeting appointed LeAnn Wine as treasurer, and Ed Woolf as assistant treasurer; gave provisional approval to a revision of the denomination’s Ministerial Leadership Paper; and approved a $300,000 grant from the Emergency Disaster Fund to continue disaster relief and rebuilding in Haiti following the earthquake of 2010.

Board Gives Provisional Approval to Ministerial Leadership Paper, Makes Haiti Earthquake Grant

In addition to its decision to cease operation of the New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center (reported in Newsline on Sunday, Oct. 16), the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board in its Fall meeting appointed LeAnn Wine as treasurer, and Ed Woolf as assistant treasurer; gave provisional approval to a revision of the denomination’s Ministerial Leadership Paper; and approved a $300,000 grant from the Emergency Disaster Fund to continue disaster relief and rebuilding in Haiti following the earthquake of 2010.

Newsline for Oct. 20, 2011

Articles include:
1. Board decides to cease operation of New Windsor Conference Center, gives provisional approval to Ministerial Leadership Paper, makes grant to Haiti earthquake response.
2. On Earth Peace releases statement of inclusion.
3. Religious leaders arrested in Rotunda in July have their day in court.
4. Peace Witness Ministries takes up food stamp challenge.
5. GFCF grants go to work in Honduras, Niger, Kenya, and Rwanda.
6. Tracy Stoddart Primozich to oversee admissions at seminary.
7. Workcamps are announced for 2012.
8. Brethren bits: Remembrance, personnel, jobs, anniversaries, more.

Newsline for June 16, 2011

The June 16 issue of Newsline features the following stories: 1. Conference officers review how Special Response decisions will be made. 2. Annual Conference bits and pieces. 3. Haitian church celebrates 100th home. 4 CDS volunteers go to Springfield, complete Joplin response. 5. Carol Bowman resigns as coordinator of stewardship formation. 6. New webinar focuses on importance of emotional intelligence. 7. Denominational Deacon Trainings continue in 2011. 8. Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrance, personnel, BVS on Today Show, and more.

Haitian Church Celebrates 100th Home

A group of church leaders from the US traveled to Haiti June 4-8 to help Eglise des Freres Haitiens (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti) celebrate completion of the 100th home built by Brethren Disaster Ministries. The church was also celebrating a new Church of the Brethren guesthouse, which will be able to house workcamps.

Intercultural Consultation Celebrates Unity Through the Cross of Peace

On Earth Peace staff and friends led the main sessions at this year’s Intercultural Consultation and Celebration on the theme, “United by the Cross of Peace.” Above, Matt Guynn, OEP program director and coordinator of peace witness, led in teaching concepts of nonviolence and peacemaking. Below, Manchester College student and OEP intern Kay Guyer draws the

Dominican Church Holds 20th Annual Assembly

The 20th annual assamblea of Iglesia de los Hermanos (Church of the Brethren in the Dominican Republic) opened at Camp Bethel near San Juan, D.R., on Feb. 17 and concluded Feb. 20. Pastor Onelis Rivas presided as moderator. About 150 persons including 70 delegates from 28 congregations met together in business sessions and in Bible

Newsline for May 5, 2011

“Give us today our daily bread” Matthew 6:11 (NIV) Coming soon: a Newsline Special Report from the Church of the Brethren’s 13th Intercultural Consultation. Also to come in Newsline on May 16:  A full report on the merger of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union with the Corporate America Family Credit Union, approved by

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