Emergency Disaster Fund Gives $162,800 in Ten Grants

The Emergency Disaster Fund, a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board, has given ten grants totaling $162,800, for disaster relief in the US, Kenya, Liberia, and Guatemala. For an article on shipments to schools affected by the Gulf Coast hurricanes, originating at the Brethren Service Center, see below. Church World Service has

Resources from Brethren Witness to Make Lent a Time to Reflect on Peace

With the season of Lent beginning March 1, the Brethren Witness/Washington Office is promoting two Lenten resources for pastors and congregations to use during this time of prayer, fasting, and self-reflection: “Coming to Life: Worship Aids for the Living Peace Church,” and a series of Lenten reflections from the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), a

Forum Looks at Proposal to Examine Vision of Denomination, Declining Membership

The Inter-Agency Forum, a component of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, held its annual meeting Feb. 1-2 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Jim Hardenbrook, immediate past moderator of Annual Conference, presided at the meeting that included the Conference officers, a representative of the Council of District Executives, and the executives and board chairs of

New Sunday School Curriculum is Launched for Brethren and Mennonites

A new Sunday school curriculum, Gather ’Round: Hearing and Sharing God’s Good News, has been launched by Brethren Press and Mennonite Publishing Network. The Bible-based curriculum offers sessions for all ages of children and youth, as well as a class for parents and caregivers of children, and a multiage option for grades K-6. Each group

Newsline for February 15, 2006

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name….” — Isaiah 43:1b NEWS 1) Conference committee meets with Brethren Mennonite Council. 2) Brethren Volunteers take part in vocations program. 3) Bethany Seminary students and friends visit Greece. 4) Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrances, job openings, more. PERSONNEL 5) Eshbach resigns as

Resources Coming Soon for Together: Conversations on Being the Church

A conversation guide for the “Together: Conversations on Being the Church” discussion process in the Church of the Brethren will come off the press soon, just in time for a training event for district representatives to be held in New Windsor, Md., Feb. 24-26. The conversation guide is one of several resources already available or

Annual Conference Committee Meets with Brethren Mennonite Council

A meeting between the Program and Arrangement Committee of Annual Conference and representatives of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests (BMC) took place Jan. 21 at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The meeting, held at the invitation of the Program and Arrangements Committee, followed the

Newsline Special for February 8, 2006

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” — Matthew 6:10 NEWS 1) Brethren are called to pray for the World Council of Churches 9th Assembly. RESOURCES 2) A prayer of transformation. 3) Reflection on the assembly theme: Be careful what you pray for…. For more Church of the

Violence, Feasts, and Gifts: A Reflection from Peacemaker Teams in Iraq

Two weeks ago, just after supper, we heard the sound of heavy shooting, much louder and longer than the common gun battles on the streets. Neighbors were out on the streets wondering what was happening, and soon concluded that it was US air strikes in another neighborhood some distance from here. We have not yet

Bridgewater College Doubles Fundraising Over Last Year

Bridgewater College has enjoyed unparalleled fund-raising success during the first six months of the 2006 fiscal year, with more than $1 million being donated in the month of December alone, it was reported by the College’s Office of Institutional Advancement. The college is a Church of the Brethren school located in Bridgewater, Va. According to

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