Newsline for December 20, 2006

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace…” — Luke 2:14 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust adopts investment guidelines related to pornography, gambling. 2) Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates are being assessed. 3) Annual Conference Council sets registration goal for 2007 conference. 4) Disaster Child Care to work in New Orleans throughout

Christian Citizenship Seminar Scheduled by Witness/Washington Office

The Brethren Witness/Washington Office has announced an Adult Christian Citizenship Seminar to be held May 6-11 in New York City and Washington, D.C., on the theme, “Healthcare for a Hurting World.” The event for adults is a counterpart to the Christian Citizenship Seminar offered for high school-age youth. “Plan now to join as we explore

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