
Newsline for December 20, 2006

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace…” — Luke 2:14


1) Brethren Benefit Trust adopts investment guidelines related to pornography, gambling.
2) Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates are being assessed.
3) Annual Conference Council sets registration goal for 2007 conference.
4) Disaster Child Care to work in New Orleans throughout 2007.
5) New Brethren Disaster Response project opening in Mississippi.
6) Brethren bits: Correction, jobs, personnel, more.


7) Travel seminar to Brazil will visit Brethren churches.
8) Registration begins for Christian Citizenship Seminar.


9) First Church Antarctica?

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1) Brethren Benefit Trust adopts investment guidelines related to pornography, gambling.

For many years Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) has taken a corporate stand against four industry sectors that promote products that are contrary to Church of the Brethren statements and resolutions: defense, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling. Now BBT is taking a stand against pornography.

At its fall meetings, held Nov. 16-18 in Bridgewater, Va., the BBT Board of Trustees voted to strengthen the agency’s socially responsible investing (SRI) strategy by adopting a fifth social screen for its investments. This means BBT will refrain from investing in firms that generate 10 percent or more of their revenues from the production or distribution of pornography.

“The Church of the Brethren has two statements that relate to pornography, with the most recent being approved by the 1985 Annual Conference,” said Nevin Dulabaum, BBT’s director of communications and interim SRI director. “Since that time, the pornography industry has grown dramatically through the development of the World Wide Web, satellite and cable television, and pay-per-view movies at hotels. With the widespread accessibility of pornography, the time was right for BBT to make a statement against this industry.”

According to Forbes, the porn industry in 2001 is a $2.6 to $3.7 billion business in the US. The number of pornographic web pages jumped from 14 million in 1998 to 260 million in 2003. There are more than 100,000 “adult-oriented” subscription sites in the US and about 400,000 globally. The US sites are maintained by about 1,000 major firms, with perhaps another 9,000 operating as affiliates of other established online “adult” firms. Total “adult-oriented” sites (subscription and non-subscription) number 4.2 million and comprise about 12 percent of the Internet’s total. On a global basis, approximately 70 million people per week view at least one “adult” site (20 million view sites that appear to be hosted in the US or Canada).

The BBT board decided the time also was right to expand its screen on gambling. For years BBT has screened out companies that generate 10 percent or more of their income from the operation of gambling machines. With the board’s approval in November, BBT now also screens out firms that meet that 10 percent threshold benchmark by manufacturing these devices.

As the manager of $400 million in assets from more than 4,000 Brethren Pension Plan members and 200 Brethren Foundation clients, BBT has an effect on the corporate world through its investments in stocks and bonds. BBT’s SRI strategy has three components. The first is screening. BBT screens out the top 25 US defense contractors and firms that generate 10 percent or more of their revenues from defense, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, and now pornography. The second component calls for BBT to proactively challenge firms in which BBT owns stocks or bonds to improve their business practices, which usually are related to human rights or environmental issues. This action is done through a range of activities, from writing letters and engaging in dialogue with companies, to presenting resolutions to company shareholders. BBT’s third SRI component is its Community Development Investment Fund, an investment choice that helps spur economic development in low-income areas.

“I appreciate the committee looking at this issue and including these items pertaining to pornography and gambling,” said Dave Gerber, BBT board member.

Board member Eric Kabler agreed, “This action gives the Church of the Brethren an opportunity to take a stand.”

In other business, the BBT board began to assess a change to the Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates (see story below); ratified BBT’s proposed 2007 expense budget of $3,334,725 and a capital budget of $66,550; transferred custodial services of $400 million in assets that BBT manages to Union Bank of California, after LaSalle Bank ceased providing these services for pension plans mid-year; adopted resolutions allowing retired ministers or ministers who receive a disability benefit and who own or rent their own homes to designate 100 percent of their retirement annuity as housing allowance beginning in 2007; awarded payments totaling $123,567 for the Supplemental Income for Equitable Annuitant program (members are former lay employees of the General Board who were enrolled in an equitable retirement plan prior to their inclusion in the Brethren Pension Plan); and approved two new fund options for Brethren Foundation clients.

The board also received a report from the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, which by mid-2007 is expected to offer a number of new services possibly including online banking, checking accounts, debit cards, and home equity loans. In an effort to expedite the implementation of new services, the board voted to provide funds the credit union will use to engage an independent consultant to assist in writing internal control policies and to market its new products.

Fifteen guests representing seven congregations and Bridgewater College joined the board at a luncheon sponsored by the Brethren Foundation, held at Bridgewater Church of the Brethren. Steve Mason, the new director of the foundation, gave background information about the foundation highlighting its milestone of crossing the $125 million mark of asset management.

In November, Karen Orpurt Crim joined the board for her first meeting, replacing Mason who resigned in October to join the BBT staff. The board approved Janice Bratton to serve another four-year term as a board member. The board is in the process of calling a person to fill a one-year term in 2007-08. The names for both positions will be submitted to Annual Conference for affirmation. Donna Forbes Steiner was approved as chair of the Nominating Committee; Gail Habecker was re-elected chair of the Investment Committee; Bratton was re-elected as secretary.


2) Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates are being assessed.

An actuarial report given to Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) this fall showed that the Brethren Pension Plan’s Retirement Benefits Fund earlier this year dipped into territory it had not seen for many years, if ever–underfunded status.

For the past four years, the BBT board has wrestled with how to ensure that the Retirement Benefits Fund will be able to pay its liabilities decades from now. The board has now begun assessment of a change to Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates.

The underfunded status is believed to have been corrected with the strong growth of the investment markets in the second half of the year. But it was the result of two factors, according to BBT’s chief financial officer Darryl Deardorff: poor overall performance by the markets for the past five years, and the fact that payments given to Brethren Pension Plan annuitants are based on the actuarial assumption that the Retirement Benefits Fund can generate eight percent earnings on “Part A” monies.

In 2003, the board split funds contributed into the Brethren Pension Plan into “Part A” and “Part B” categories, because of concerns that BBT would not be able to offer an eight percent annuitization rate in perpetuity. Funds contributed prior to July 1, 2003, were placed in an “A account” and would receive an eight percent assumption rate when annuitized, although that rate could be changed by the board at any time. Funds contributed after that date have been placed in a “B account” and would receive a six percent assumption rate when annuitized, with the knowledge that the board would assess the rate annually.

In 2005, the board took a second step to undergird the Retirement Benefits Fund by creating a contingency fund to ensure the fund will meet its liabilities longterm.

Despite these two actions, the Retirement Benefits Fund dipped into underfunded status because investments simply were unable to achieve a sufficient rate of return to match the fund’s annuity rates, said Gail Habecker, chair of the Investment Committee. She reported that the problem is low market performance over the past five years, when the S&P 500 has averaged 0.5 percent of growth while most balanced funds have averaged slightly above 2.5 percent.

Habecker reported that staff have researched other Church Benefits Association members with similar pension plans, and found few offering a six percent annuity rate and none offering eight percent. Many Church Benefits Association members have moved to offering a four percent “floor rate” with a supplemental payment contingent on market performance.

In November, the BBT board considered a variety of options for the Brethren Pension Plan’s A and B accounts, but determined a decision could not be made before an up-to-date funding status is reviewed. That study, being conducted by Hewitt and Associates, is expected to be completed in mid-January. The BBT Investment Committee is scheduled to meet shortly thereafter to determine next steps.

The board approved allowing the Investment Committee to change the Plan A account annuity rate without further action by the full board, if the committee deems such an action to be appropriate following its analysis of the funding status report.

For more information about the Brethren Pension Plan, contact Brethren Benefit Trust at 800-746-1505 or go to www.brethren.org/bbt.


3) Annual Conference Council sets registration goal for 2007 conference.

The Annual Conference Council set a goal of 4,000 registrants for the 2007 Annual Conference in Cleveland, at a meeting held Nov. 28-29 in New Windsor, Md. All members of the council were present for the meeting including chair and past Annual Conference moderator Ronald Beachley, current Annual Conference moderator Belita Mitchell, moderator-elect Jim Beckwith, Shenandoah District associate executive minister Joan Daggett, former Conference moderator Jim Myer, Conference executive director Lerry Fogle, and Conference secretary Fred Swartz.

A registration of 4,000 is the number of registrations the council estimates it will take to get the Annual Conference fund back in the black and meet the 2007 budget, said Swartz in his report from the meeting. Registrations were much less than expected at the 2006 Annual Conference, Swartz reported, especially in the number of congregational delegates attending. This resulted in a slight deficit in meeting the 2006 expenses of the Conference. Anticipated costs in Cleveland next year call for an even bigger budget for 2007.

In its discussion, the council noted that Cleveland is an attractive venue for families. Several members of the council were impressed with the city’s conference facilities during a tour earlier in November. The business agenda for 2007 also will have several interesting issues for the delegates’ consideration, increasing the motivation for congregations to send representatives, Swartz reported.

The council approved a proposal from the Program and Arrangements Committee to change the rotation of Annual Conference sites. The new plan, which will need approval from the Conference, would have the Conference meeting in the East and Midwest four times in a 12-year cycle instead of the present rotation that has sites in those two regions only three times each cycle. The other years of the cycle would hold the Conference one time each in the Northwest, the Plains, the Southeast, and the Southwest. The new rotation would allow Annual Conference to be held most often in areas with the highest concentration of Church of the Brethren members.

In other business, the council began to look at other budget and marketing issues related to Annual Conference. It also approved a revised disaster recovery plan for the Conference office should a natural disaster or other emergency interrupt operations, reaffirmed policies on requirements to be met by queries (see policies at www.brethren.org/ac), reviewed the budget and plans of the 300th Anniversary Committee, and received reports including reflections from moderator Mitchell, a report that the move of the Annual Conference office to New Windsor was accomplished on budget, and a report from the Program and Arrangements Committee listing ideas from its task committee on marketing. The group postponed final work on a revision to a paper on dealing with strongly controversial issues until Annual Conference disposes of its current business item on Doing Church Business.


4) Disaster Child Care to work in New Orleans throughout 2007.

The Disaster Child Care (DCC) ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board has been requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide child care for a “Road Home” Program in New Orleans throughout the year 2007.

To assist people returning to the area after being evacuated from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, FEMA is opening a “Louisiana Welcome Home Center” in New Orleans on Jan. 2. This One-Stop-Shop will house agencies and organizations that can provide resources to people returning home. FEMA has requested a child care center in the One-Stop-Shop, reported DCC coordinator Helen Stonesifer. “FEMA anticipates that this assistance will be available for one year, therefore, this will be an ongoing DCC project,” her report said.

“This is an excellent opportunity for all certified child care volunteers who are available to respond,” Stonesifer added. “It will also allow us the privilege of scheduling persons ahead of time,” she noted.

Three regions of volunteers for Disaster Child Care have been activated so far to respond in New Orleans. Volunteers will be requested to serve for two-week periods. A team of four will be deployed initially to serve for a first two-week period.

For additional information visit http://www.disasterchildcare.org/ or call the DCC Office at 800-451-4407 (option 5).


5) New Brethren Disaster Response project opening in Mississippi.

Brethren Disaster Response is opening a new Hurricane Katrina recovery project in McComb, Miss., just after the holidays. McComb is in southwestern Mississippi, just north of the Louisiana border.

Effective Jan. 1, all volunteers who were scheduled for the Pensacola, Fla., project after the new year will be assigned instead to the new Mississippi project. District disaster relief coordinators will be informing volunteers of this change, according to a report from Brethren Disaster Response, a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board.

Although Hurricane Katrina made landfall in southeastern Louisiana, heavy damage can be found within a 100-mile radius of the storm’s center in Mississippi and Alabama as well as Louisiana, said a report from Jane Yount, coordinator of Brethren Disaster Response. The official death toll attributed to Katrina has climbed to 1,836, making Katrina the deadliest hurricane since 1928, her report said. Katrina is also by far the costliest hurricane in US history, with $75 billion in damages. An estimated 350,000 homes were destroyed and many thousands more damaged.

The Brethren will be working in McComb with Southwest Mississippi Recovery Network. “We are thrilled at the prospect of having your folks with us and will do everything to help them be comfortable and productive,” said Judy Powell Sibley, director and chair of the network. “With your coming, I feel a huge burden lifted to help secure the storm affected families in our area.”

Work to be done includes repair of roof damage that has resulted in water-damaged interiors of homes, and the related removal and replacement of walls, ceilings, floors, etc. Black mold is a problem in many homes and will require cleanup. The project may possibly be constructing new homes as well. A Brethren Disaster Response pickup truck, van, and tool trailer will be on site.

For more information about Brethren Disaster Response go to www.brethren.org/genbd/ersm/DisasterResponse.htm.


6) Brethren bits: Correction, jobs, personnel, more.
  • Correction: “The Brethren Encyclopedia, Vol. 4” was co-edited by Donald F. Durnbaugh and Dale V. Ulrich, in a correction to the Newsline Extra of Dec. 13. Carl Bowman served as a contributing editor.
  • Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) seeks a director of office operations, to fill a fulltime salaried position in Elgin, Ill. The director of office operations will direct the General Office Services Department; develop and maintain a centralized database of denominational membership; coordinate the president’s office; oversee board meetings, agendas, minutes, and provide assistance to board members; administer human resources services; and manage BBT’s offices with regard to occupancy, furnishings, and decor. Responsibilities include office equipment, supplies, and mail management; telephone system, receptionist, and hospitality; board member candidate profiles and communication; preparation of board agendas and minutes; personnel position announcements, candidate interviews, job descriptions, and other human resources duties; general clerical support in the president’s office; among others. Qualifications include a post secondary-level education, at least five years of experience in office operations leadership or human resources management, knowledge of the Church of the Brethren and denominational polity, organization, and structure. Membership in the Church of the Brethren is preferred but not required. Salary is comparable with Church Benefits Association agencies of comparable size and scope of services. A letter of application and a resume with three references should be sent by Jan. 15, 2007, via confidential communication to Wilfred E. Nolen, President, Brethren Benefit Trust, 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120.
  • Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) seeks a marketing and promotions assistant to fill an interim fulltime hourly position in Elgin, Ill. Responsibilities include establishing and maintaining a congregational representative network and assisting with creation and implementation of other promotional and marketing initiatives; assisting with development of a denominational database; securing BBT representatives in congregations; producing a monthly communication for congregational representatives; supporting representatives so that they can better represent BBT in congregations; helping coordinate regional meetings or a meal event at Annual Conference for representatives; occasional travel such as to Annual Conference and events for the representative network; and possibly securing church directories and organizing and inputting data to build a denominational contact list. Qualifications include at least an undergraduate degree preferably in communications, English, marketing, or a related field; experience or expertise in customer service, database management, and writing; membership in the Church of the Brethren with active participation in a Brethren congregation. Salary is competitive with Church Benefits Association agencies of comparable size and scope of services. To apply send a letter of interest, resume with salary range expectations, and contact information for three references to Susan Brandenbusch, Brethren Benefit Trust, 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; or e-mail to sbrandenbusch_bbt@brethren.org.
  • The Annual Conference Office is seeking a temporary fulltime registration coordinator to work at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., from March 1 through May 31, 2007. Responsibilities include tasks related to the registration process of Annual Conference, running reports, processing payments, serving as initial contact person for registration, and other clerical functions. Required skills and knowledge include strong word processing skills, effective and pleasant communication style, experience with software applications such as Word and Excel, demonstrated quality customer service skills. Required experience and education includes two to three years in a general office setting, a variety of work situations where direct contact with customers was required, a minimum of a high school diploma. Send a cover letter and resume to the Office of Human Resources, P.O. Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776; 410-635-8780; ehall_gb@brethren.org. Application deadline is Jan. 19, 2007.
  • Applicants are sought for the 2007 Youth Peace Travel Team, which is jointly sponsored by On Earth Peace, the Outdoor Ministries Association, Brethren Volunteer Service, the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, and the Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Church of the Brethren General Board. It is “not just another summer job” according to a personal testimony from 2006 team member Margaret Bortner of Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, included in an announcement from On Earth Peace: “Fifteen states, seven church camps, Annual Conference, National Youth Conference, hundreds of new friends, lots of free ice cream, an afternoon in Hollywood: this was my summer job. Youth Peace Travel Team presented opportunities that I otherwise may not have had.” The four-member team spends the summer together visiting Church of the Brethren camps to promote peace. “If you care passionately for peace and justice and are interested in leaving your comfort zone next summer, please consider applying…. It will stretch you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically–and you will love it,” said Bortner. Applications are due Feb. 4, 2007. For more information visit www.brethren.org/genbd/witness/YPTT.htm or contact Phil Jones at the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, 202-546-3202, pjones_gb@brethren.org; or Susanna Farahat at On Earth Peace, 410-635-8706, sfarahat_oepa@brethren.org.
  • A promotional DVD for the 2007 workcamps offered by the Church of the Brethren General Board is now available. The DVD includes general information about workcamps and the expansion of the workcamp program, as well as 2007 calendar information. The DVD is a useful tool for sharing the workcamp philosophy, as it features interviews with the coordinators and past workcamp participants. Registration for 2007 workcamps begins Jan. 3, 2007, online at www.brethren.org. To request a DVD, write to cobworkcamps_gb@brethren.org or call Amy Rhodes at 800-323-8039 ext. 281.
  • A Faith Expedition to Vietnam will be sponsored by the Brethren Witness/Washington Office on Dec. 31, 2006-Jan. 13, 2007. Registration was filled early for the two-week trip led by Dennis Metzger, who was a Brethren Volunteer Service worker in Vietnam from 1969-74, and his wife Van. Participants will travel to Hanoi, Saigon, Long An province, and make visits to Church World Service projects among ethnic minorities and to the Mennonite Church in Gia Dinh, among other activities. The expedition also will visit the area of Di Linh, where Brethren martyr Ted Studebaker lived and worked during the war. Other upcoming Faith Expeditions include a trip to Mexico in the spring of 2007, led by Tom Benevento, and a fall 2007 trip to Guatemala.
  • The Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra is leasing office space at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., as of November. Orchestra staff including director Kathy Mathews and three colleagues are occupying office space formerly used by Illinois and Wisconsin District Office, which is now housed at York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, Ill.
  • Ruth Stokes has received the “Everyday Hero Award” from the state of Pennsylvania. The 81-year-old member of Ambler (Pa.) Church of the Brethren was presented the award in October for her many accomplishments in community service. Over the years she has played exhibition baseball in Yankee Stadium as part of what is believed to be the first women’s baseball league in the east, in existence from 1947-55; opened a sporting goods store with her husband Harry; became one of the first SCUBA instructors in the area; played golf for 50 years; and more recently founded the Share and Care Community at Walnut Meadows retirement community in Harleysville. She still teaches water aerobics at the Indian Valley YMCA, according to the “Souderton Independent” newspaper. Stokes wrote her memoir, “Ruthie Brethren Girl,” in 1997.
  • A new book about Sam Hornish Jr., an Indy Racing League driver and Church of the Brethren member from Ohio, is available from the “Crescent-News” in Defiance, Ohio. In May, Hornish won the 90th Indianapolis 500, driving with Marlboro Team Penske. The book, “A Passion for Victory,” highlights his career with more than 200 full-color photos. The Hornish family participated in the project, supplying photos as well as historical data. The jacket was written by “The Voice of the Indy Racing League,” Mike King. The limited edition hard-bound book, 136 pages, is available for $29.95 from the newspaper website, http://www.crescent-news.com/.


7) Travel seminar to Brazil will visit Brethren churches.

A travel seminar to Brazil has been announced by the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, in cooperation with the Global Mission Partnerships of the Church of the Brethren General Board and Bethany Theological Seminary. The trip will visit Igreja da Irmandade (Church of the Brethren in Brazil), from May 17-June 2, 2007. Registration and down payment are due by Jan. 31, 2007.

The seminar is open to interested church members as well as Bethany and academy students. Leaders are Jonathan Shively, director of the Brethren Academy; Marcos and Sueli Inhauser, national directors of Igreja da Irmandade; and Brethren Volunteer Service workers who are beginning assignments in Brazil. Participants will visit each church development site in Brazil and engage in learning and reflection on what it means to be Anabaptists and Pietists planting churches and ministering in a diverse and largely secularized world.

More information including a flier and reservation form is at http://www.bethanyseminary.edu/. For additional information contact Shively at shivejo@bethanyseminary.edu or 765-983-1824.

8) Registration begins for Christian Citizenship Seminar.

Online registration is beginning for the 2007 Christian Citizenship Seminar for youth on the theme, “The State of Our Health.” The Brethren Witness/Washington Office and the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office of the Church of the Brethren General Board jointly sponsor the annual seminar in Washington, D.C., and New York City. The event will take place March 24-29, 2007.

Participants will explore and be challenged by the many health concerns and conditions of the global population, including the HIV/AIDS explosion in Africa and how HIV/AIDS affects people in US communities, the overwhelming poverty of many Latin America countries, and the effects of prenatal care, poverty, and hunger on the world’s population. The group will consider the advantages, challenges, and privileges of health care programs, and engage in advocacy for the hungry, disabled, uninsured, and voiceless people of the world. The week will include speakers, presentations, interactive worship, workshops, and on-site visits and direct advocacy with members of Congress.

High school youth and adult advisors are eligible to attend. Registration is limited to the first 100 youth and adults who apply; registration will be cut off by Feb. 28 or as soon as 100 registrations have been received. Cost is $350, which includes lodging for five nights, dinner on the opening evening, and transportation from New York to Washington.

To register go to www.brethren.org/genbd/yya/CCS.htm. For more information or for a brochure contact the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office at 800-323-8039 or e-mail COBYouth_gb@brethren.org.

9) First Church Antarctica?

A small group of people connected with the Church of the Brethren are at work at McMurdo Station in Antarctica: Pete and Erika Anna, who are affiliated with Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill.; David Haney, a member of Goshen (Ind.) City Church of the Brethren; former Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) worker Emily Wampler; and Sean Dell who grew up in the Church of the Brethren in McPherson, Kan.

Wampler left in late September for the station, which is the main base of the US in the Antarctic, administered by the US Antarctic Program with the National Science Foundation in charge, she said. The US adheres to the International Antarctic Treaty and all uses of the station are for peaceful scientific purposes, Wampler added. The station is on the Ross Ice Shelf hundreds of miles from the south pole. The closest country is New Zealand.

But with several others with Brethren connections among the only 1,200 or so people there for the southern summer, Wampler will still feel at home. “We’re going to start First Antarctica Church of the Brethren!” she joked.

Haney has “been on the ice” in Antarctica for seven southern summers; Pete Anna is the fire prevention officer for the Antarctic Fire Department, and Erika Anna works with the department in communications; Wampler is working in the galley, or kitchen, as a dining attendant; Dell is working in construction.

Wampler decided to apply for a position at McMurdo after a BVS friend worked there last year and displayed her Antarctica pictures. “She had such a unique experience,” Wampler said. “I thought I’d give it a try.”

The application process was lengthy, and included a rigorous medical exam and physical, a psychological exam, and a stress test if necessary, “because they have to fly you off the ice” in the event of serious illness, Wampler said. As well as being expensive, such flights may pose great risk to station personnel.

“I’m really looking forward to exploring the history of the continent. Right around McMurdo Station everything is miraculously preserved,” Wampler said, giving examples of tents and shelters used by early Antarctic explorers like Scott that are preserved by the cold temperatures and dry climate.

Around McMurdo in the middle of the southern summer, temperatures may average in the 30s and 40s with wind chill creating colder temperatures, Wampler said. But earlier and later in the year the weather is much colder. In mid-summer there is 24 hours of daylight, Wampler said: “The sun makes little circles around the sky.”

Wampler will return home in February after spending five months in the Antarctic. Only a couple hundred people–including the Annas–will stay over the southern winter, when the station may be completely isolated.

She also anticipates saving some money, after a few years of fulltime volunteering. “They give you a paycheck, and there’s no place to spend it,” she said. After McMurdo, Wampler hopes to go back to volunteering again next year at a therapy horse ranch in Oregon.


Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Jonathan Shively, Helen Stonesifer, Fred Swartz, Jay Wittmeyer, and Jane Yount contributed to this report. Newsline appears every other Wednesday, with the next regularly scheduled Newsline set for Jan. 3, 2007; other special issues may be sent as needed. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. For more Church of the Brethren news and features, subscribe to “Messenger” magazine, call 800-323-8039 ext. 247.


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