Daily News: May 7, 2007

(May 7, 2007) — New names have been chosen for three disaster response programs of the Church of the Brethren General Board: Emergency Response, Disaster Child Care, and Service Ministries. “Brethren Disaster Ministries” is the new name for the Emergency Response program that encompasses the Brethren Disaster Response rebuilding ministry. Disaster Child Care is being

Daily News: May 4, 2007

(May 4, 2007) — Evangelism Connections met in Nashville, Tenn., on March 26-27 to discuss how different denominations can work ecumenically on evangelism, share resources, inform each other about what they are doing, and dream about joint future projects. Representing the Church of the Brethren was Jeff Glass, a member of the Congregational Life Teams

Daily News: May 3, 2007

(May 3, 2007) — Disaster Child Care has responded to the needs in New Jersey following flooding. Disaster Child Care is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board. In mid-April, a massive early-spring weather system socked the east coast with a deluge of rain, the DCC office reported. New Jersey was particularly

Daily News: May 2, 2007

(May 2, 2007) — It should have been a disaster–three sisters out for a little round of golf and before it’s all over there is an out of control cart, a separated shoulder, a trip to the emergency room, and no love lost because they all still love each other just as much. Maybe that’s

CPT Work Against Depleted Uranium Weapons

(April 27, 2007) — On Saturday, May 19, a delegation from Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) will participate in a conference at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City on issues related to the use of depleted uranium weapons. A CPT campaign that includes Church of the Brethren members has begun to work at ending the

Newsline Extra for April 26, 2007

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you….” — Psalm 55:22b 1) Brethren pastor and congregation respond to needs at Virginia Tech. 2) Brethren organizations offer resources following Virginia shootings. 3) Brethren bits. To receive Newsline by e-mail or to unsubscribe, go to http://listserver.emountain.net/mailman/listinfo/newsline. For Church of the Brethren news online, go

Newsline for April 25, 2007

“…From every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages…” — Revelation 7:9b NEWS 1) Cross-Cultural Celebration meets on the theme of peace. 1a) La Celebración Intercultural se reúne con el tema de la paz. 2) Consultation receives report from Intercultural Study Committee. 3) Christian Citizenship Seminar explores ‘The State of Our Health.’ 4) Brethren

CWS Issues National Plea for Contributions of Kids’ School Kits

(April 23, 2007) — The demands of disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the Pakistan earthquake, and more recent events including floods in Jakarta, Indonesia, and spring storms and flooding in the US are taking a toll on inventories of one of the staples of relief aid-emergency kits, reported Church World Service (CWS) in a release today.

Christian Citizenship Seminar Explores ‘The State of Our Health’

(April 19, 2007) — Seventy-two senior high youth and advisors explored questions related to “The State of Our Health” in the US and abroad at this year’s Church of the Brethren Christian Citizenship Seminar (CCS). The event began March 24 in New York and concluded five days later in Washington, D.C., with an assortment of

Youth Teams Receive Training to Tell the Brethren Story

(April 18, 2007) — How do you inject new life and energy into telling a 300-year-old-story? How do you put a forward-looking emphasis on the study of Brethren history and heritage? Why not invite youth to tell the story? That’s what the Annual Conference 300th Anniversary Committee, in partnership with the General Board’s Youth/Young Adult

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