Giving to denominational ministries falls behind last year’s totals

Giving to Church of the Brethren denominational ministries as of the end of April has fallen short of giving during the first four months of 2019. The shortfall is significant, with total combined giving by congregations and individuals falling behind last year by more than $320,000.

EDF makes first grants to congregations for COVID-19 humanitarian relief in US communities

Brethren Disaster Ministries is directing the first round of grants from the Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) to congregations carrying out pandemic-related humanitarian relief work in their communities. The new COVID-19 Pandemic Grants program began in late April and provides grants to Church of the Brethren congregations and districts in the United States and Puerto Rico.

EDF grants go to Ohio tornado response, COVID-19 relief in the US, Rwanda, Mexico

Brethren Disaster Ministries has directed grants from the Church of the Brethren’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) to finance its tornado rebuilding work in the area around Dayton, Ohio, and to aid COVID-19 responses by Church World Service (CWS), Bittersweet Ministries in Mexico, and the Rwandan Brethren. Another EDF grant also funds a second round of the COVID-19 Pandemic Grants program offering grants to Church of the Brethren congregations and districts in the United States and Puerto Rico who are carrying out pandemic-related humanitarian work in their communities.

Church of the Brethren congregations offer online worship services

A note about “Zoombombing” In recent days, some public Zoom meetings have been hacked by people intending mischief and disruptions. This is called “Zoombombing” and in light of it, direct links to Zoom worship services will no longer be listed on this page. You are invited to contact the church directly for information about how to connect

Brethren bits for May 30, 2020

In this issue: Ecumenical statements on the killing of George Floyd and a statement from Central Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va.; Annual Conference Moderator’s Town Hall on “Faith, Science, and COVID-19″; first-ever virtual graduation at McPherson College; and more.

Newsline for May 30, 2020

“My soul melts away for sorrow” (Psalm 119:28a). NEWS 1) National Day of Mourning and Lament on Monday, June 1, is a joint effort of faith leaders and mayors2) Workcamp Ministry will offer seven weeks of virtual workcamps3) Global Food Initiative grants support community gardens, agriculture in Haiti and Ecuador4) Financial support is encouraged for

Workcamp Ministry will offer seven weeks of virtual workcamps

By Hannah Shultz The Workcamp office is excited to announce that we will be holding seven weeks of virtual workcamps this summer! Virtual workcamps will be held from 4-5 p.m. (Eastern time) every Monday from June 22 to Aug. 3. Each week will focus on one of the daily themes from our workcamp devotional book.

Financial support is encouraged for Outdoor Ministries Association camps

By Linetta Ballew “Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away.Love is something if you give it away, you end up having more.It’s just like a magic penny, hold it tight, and you won’t have any.Lend it, spend it, and you’ll have so many, they’ll roll all over the

Global Food Initiative grants support community gardens, agriculture in Haiti and Ecuador

The Global Food Initiative (GFI) of the Church of the Brethren has given several grants in recent weeks, supporting community garden projects, agriculture in Haiti, a consultant for assessment of the programs of Fundacion Brethren y Unida in Ecuador, An allocation of $4,998.82 will help Osage Church of the Brethren in McCune, Kan., and the

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