
Newsline for January 9, 1998

1) The Manchester Church of the Brethren, North Manchester, Ind., was destroyed Wednesday by fire. 2) A Manchester congregation member reflects on what was lost, but what was saved. 3) The Butler Chapel A.M.E. church in Orangeburg, S.C. will be dedicated this weekend. 4) WWW.Brethren.Org, the new official denominational web site, is now online with information about the Butler


) The Manchester Church of the Brethren, North Manchester, Ind., was destroyed Wednesday by fire. 2) A Manchester congregation member reflects on what was lost, but what was saved. 3) The Butler Chapel A.M.E. church in Orangeburg, S.C. will be dedicated this weekend. 4) WWW.Brethren.Org, the new official denominational web site, is now online with information about the Butler

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