Brethren Faith in Action Fund issues grants

Formed by funds generated from the sale of the upper campus of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., the Brethren Faith in Action Fund provides grants to fund outreach ministry projects that serve their communities, strengthen the congregation, and expand the reign of God. Such ministries will honor and continue the legacy of service that the Brethren Service Center has epitomized while also addressing the dynamics of the present age.

Brethren bits for June 5, 2020

In this issue: Remembering Mark Ray Keeney, church-related retirement communities suffer COVID-19 cases or outbreaks recently, a reminder to fill out the Annual Conference Refund/Donation Form, Camp Mardela seeks an administrator, staff of Material Resources return to work at the Brethren Service Center, Brethren Disaster Ministries asks for cloth face masks and announces receiving a grant to support a short-term response in Nebraska, ‘Love Your Neighbor’ is the latest devotional video from Children’s Disaster Services, and much more.

Newsline for June 5, 2020

1) Giving to denominational ministries falls behind last year’s totals
2) We cannot do the work without you
3) EDF makes first grants to congregations for COVID-19 humanitarian relief in US communities
4) EDF grants go to Ohio tornado response, COVID-19 relief in the US, Rwanda, Mexico
5) Denomination to sell longterm BVS house in Elgin, purchases new house near General Offices
6) Bethany Seminary president makes statement ‘Condemning Racism and Working for Change’
7) Withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty signals pattern in international relations and arms control

8) Denominational Worship Gathering will center on the theme ‘New World Coming!’
9) Children of all ages are welcome to a denominational children’s worship experience
10) Denominational Concert is planned for July 2 as an online event
11) Brethren Volunteer Service summer orientation is going virtual

12) Brethren bits

Denominational Concert is planned for July 2 as an online event

An hour-long music celebration featuring Church of the Brethren musicians from across the denomination will be presented online on July 2, the evening after the Denominational Worship Gathering and Children’s Worship Service. The concert will start at 8 p.m. (Eastern time).

Withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty signals pattern in international relations and arms control

In a 1980 Annual Conference statement titled “The Time Is so Urgent: Threats to Peace,” Brethren recognized a potential nuclear arms race as one of the most pressing political problems for peacebuilders to address. Amazingly, 40 years later we find ourselves on similarly shaky ground where the barrier between stability and hostility appears increasingly thin. By recently committing to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty, the current US administration has compromised the systems set in place to avoid an arms race or military engagement–and the church should take notice.

Denomination to sell longterm BVS house in Elgin, purchases new house near General Offices

Since 1948, the Victorian-style house at 923 West Highland Ave. in Elgin, Ill. has been called home by countless Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) workers and Church of the Brethren staff. It originally was purchased by the denomination to supply emergency rental quarters for staff, on a temporary basis, and then over the decades became the residence of BVS volunteers and interns who were serving at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin.

Brethren Volunteer Service summer orientation is going virtual

Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) staff have made the decision to transition the summer orientation unit 325 from an in-person to a virtual event. Amid COVID-19 restrictions, BVS is committed to the health of incoming volunteers and leadership while still providing much-needed volunteer support to BVS project sites.

Children of all ages are welcome to a denominational children’s worship experience

Children of all ages, welcome to worship! Mark your family calendar for a 25-minute children’s worship experience on Wednesday, July 1, at 7:30 p.m. (Eastern time). You will meet Louise Boid, a colorfully opinionated bird from Brooklyn, N.Y., as she moves to central Pennsylvania to get away from those noisy New York City ducks and pigeons! Louise Boid is brought to us by the Puppet and Story Works founded by Dotti and Steve Seitz of Manheim, Pa.

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