Brethren Press has new books and resources available for churches entering into the Fall and a new season for Sunday school classes.
Recently published Bible studies for adult small groups include three titles in Brethren Press’s Covenant Bible Studies series–Samuel: Leader for a Different Tomorrow by Eugene F. Roop, Close Encounters: Angels and Demons in the Bible by Herb Smith, and God’s Earth, Our Home by David Radcliff (available late 2024).
The 2024-2025 year of A Guide for Biblical Studies, the Brethren Press curriculum for adults that is published quarterly, begins with the Fall book Worship in the Covenant Community by Anna Lisa Gross. Also available as an accompanying resource is The Standard Lesson Commentary 2024-2025, an annual Bible commentary connected to the International Sunday School Lessons that provide the themes for A Guide for Biblical Studies.
New “extras” for children’s classes from the Shine curriculum jointly published by Brethren Press and MennoMedia include The Peace Table Activity Booklet and two poster packs: the Bible Reference Poster Pack and the Prayer and Peace Poster Pack.
Purchase these and other resources at
Covenant Bible Studies
Samuel: Leader for a Different Tomorrow by Eugene F. Roop. Samuel is a figure who sits in the middle of a dramatic transition in ancient Israel. During this time of great change, he helped Israel move from local leadership toward nationhood. Readers today may identify with Samuel’s experiences and feelings as he navigates this deep societal shift. This study considers one of the central questions in Samuel’s time and in ours: How do we live faithfully as children of God when much of the life we know slips away? Go to
Close Encounters: Angels and Demons in the Bible by Herb Smith. Angels and demons. Are we to believe in them literally or metaphorically? Or hold on to skepticism? In this study, we explore various Hebrew and Christian Bible narratives featuring angels and the exorcism of demons. We also consider similar encounters from our own time. What meaning might we attribute to these encounters? And how can we still believe in the authenticity of these experiences in an age of modern psychology, cosmology, and physics? This study intends to enliven our faith and bring us to an openness for new vistas in our lives. Go to
God’s Earth, Our Home by David Radcliff (available late 2024). We know that choices we are making today will have ramifications for centuries to come. In this study, we consider how the Bible calls us to be in relationship with God’s creation. We consider what we can learn from creation about how to live in a way that treasures the beauty and goodness around us and how this relates to our relationship with God.
A Guide for Biblical Studies: 2024-2025
A Guide for Biblical Studies is the Brethren Press Bible study curriculum for adults, suitable for Sunday school classes and other small groups. Each book offers a weekly lesson as well as suggestions for daily Bible reading, questions to help individuals prepare for the class, and questions for studying the text together in a small group. Order one copy for each class participant.
This year’s curriculum:
Fall 2024, Worship in the Covenant Community by Anna Lisa Gross
Winter 2024-2025, A King Forever and Ever by Connie Burkholder
Spring 2025, Costly Sacrifice by Herb Smith
Summer 2025, Sacred Altars and Holy Gifts by Mary Jessup
The Standard Lesson Commentary 2024-2025. This annual Bible commentary is connected to the International Sunday School Lessons that provide the themes for A Guide for Biblical Studies. The commentary provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions. Nearly two dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists provide the Bible commentary, lesson plans, discussion questions, and other features that make the Standard Lesson Commentary the most popular annual Bible commentary available. It is the perfect primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study, or would serve as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series. Go to
New from Shine
The Peace Table Activity Booklet. This is the perfect way for children to enter into the biblical story in a fun and creative way. This coloring and activity book accompanies The Peace Table: A Storybook Bible. Each page takes children first into The Peace Table to read a Bible story and then offers a fun and interactive way for them to learn more about the stories and teachings of the Bible. Pages feature coloring, activities, prayer prompts, and more, with beautiful characters and illustrations that bring the Bible to life and nurture faith. Go to
Poster packs. You love the “Extras” in The Peace Table: A Storybook Bible. Now, you can display them in your meeting space! Each pack has six full-color 22 inch by 17 inch posters.
The Bible Reference Poster Pack includes “Books of the Bible,” “Old and New Testament Timelines,” “Map of the Exodus,” “Israel in Jesus’ Time Map,” and “The Church Grows Map.” Go to
The Prayer and Peace Poster Pack includes “Types of Prayer,” “Ways to Pray,” “Peace with God,” “Peace with Creation,” “Peace with Others,” and “Peace Inside.” Go to
— Jeff Lennard is director of Marketing and Sales for Brethren Press.
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