Nursing scholarships aid church members interested in health care careers

The Church of the Brethren provides scholarships of up to $2,000 for RN and graduate nurse candidates, and up to $1,000 for LPN candidates. These scholarships are awarded to a limited number of applicants each year, made possible by the Health Education and Research Endowment. The nursing scholarships are available to members of the Church

Blogposts and online ‘coffee talks’ are part of Black History 2020 emphasis

“Looking Back to Live Forward: Black History 2020″ is the title and theme of a special emphasis for the month of February sponsored jointly by the Church of the Brethren’s Intercultural Ministry and Office of Peacebuilding and Policy. LaDonna Nkosi, director of Intercultural Ministries, and Alexandra Toms, Racial Justice associate in the Office of Peacebuilding

Brethren bits for Feb. 15, 2020

— Gieta Gresh has resigned as camp administrator for Camp Mardela in Denton, Md., one of two camps in Mid-Atlantic District, effective the end of August. She and her husband, Ken Gresh, will move to Pennsylvania following the 2020 summer camp season. She has served in the position since April 2005. In an online post Gresh said,

Ventures online courses to focus on society and the environment

By Kendra Flory The February and March online courses offered by Ventures will focus on society and the environment. Ventures in Christian Discipleship is a program of McPherson (Kan.) College. In February, the Ventures online course will be “Examining the Disconnect Between Society and the Environment.” The environment is our home, and we rely heavily on it

Brethren Academy updates course listing for 2020 into 2021

The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership has updated its course listing for 2020 into 2021. Courses are offered for continuing education credit (2 units per course), for personal enrichment, and for TRIM/EFSM credit. To register and pay for courses go to or contact or 765-983-1824. The updated course listing is as follows: “Science and Faith,” a weekend

New Ventures in Christian Discipleship season to begin September 28

By Kendra Flory The Ventures in Christian Discipleship program at McPherson (Kan.) College is moving into its eighth year of providing useful, affordable education to small church congregations. The first two online courses of the year will focus on creation care. All classes are donation-based and continuing education credit is available for $10 per course.

Children’s Disaster Services announces fall trainings

Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) has announced its fall training workshop line-up. The training workshops are for those interested in volunteering with CDS, and for returning volunteers to re-certify. Go to for more information and to register.

Upcoming Brethren Academy courses are announced

The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership has announced upcoming courses open to TRIM and EFSM students, pastors (who may earn 2 continuing education units per course), and other interested people. The academy is a joint program of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren.

Ministry Summer Service interns begin ministry placements

The Ministry Summer Service (MSS) participants for this summer have completed orientation and 4 interns have begun serving for 10 weeks in ministry placements. MSS orientation began May 31 at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. Mentors arrived June 3, and orientation ended on June 5.

The 2019 Ministry Summer Service group

Ministerial ethics training uses newly commissioned workbook

A newly commissioned ministerial ethics workbook is being featured during the current renewal cycle. Every five years ordained and commissioned ministers in the Church of the Brethren are required to take ministerial ethics advanced level training in order to renew their credentialing. Licensed ministers and those new to the denomination are required to take the basic level of training as part of the credentialing process. The ministerial ethics training is the responsibility of the Office of Ministry, working with district leadership and ministry commissions.

Ministry ethics trainers received orientation at the General Offices
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