Moderator’s Town Hall on ‘Faith, Science, and COVID-19′ slated for June 4

Church of the Brethren Annual Conference moderator Paul Mundey has announced plans for a Moderator’s Town Hall on June 4 at 7 p.m. (Eastern time), held in online webinar format. The topic will be “Faith, Science, and COVID-19” with leadership from Dr. Kathryn Jacobsen, professor in the Department of Global and Community Health at George

‘Best Practices for Online Worship’ is topic for upcoming webinar

“Best Practices for Online Worship: Considerations and Strategies” is the topic for a webinar offered by Discipleship Ministries with leadership by Enten Eller. The event is offer twice, on May 27 at 2 p.m. (Eastern time), register in advance at ; and on June 2 at 8 p.m. (Eastern time), register in advance at  . The

CDS updates children’s resources for use by congregations

By Lisa Crouch Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) has been actively reviewing and updating the COVID-19 resource page with new resources for families since the beginning of the pandemic. The Church of the Brethren COVID-19 Response Planning Committee requested a small children’s committee to form to assess additional outreach for church congregations at this unique time

Brethren Academy offers two-part webinar on ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral Care’

“The Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral Care” is a two-part webinar for pastors, chaplains, and other ministering people, offered by the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership. The presenter is Debbie Eisenbise, a pastor, spiritual director, and cofounder of Through the Threshold: End of Life Doula Services providing assistance in advance care planning and honoring death

Zoom call yields creative ideas for this year’s National Youth Sunday

By Nolan McBride On April 14, the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministries hosted a Zoom meeting for youth advisors to share ideas for celebrating Youth Sunday in the era of COVID-19. This year, National Youth Sunday is scheduled for May 3. Given the fact that most congregations cannot currently meet in

Webinar offers insights for ‘Leading in a Time of Crisis’

A webinar to help offer insights for “Leading in a Time of Crisis” offered by the Church of the Brethren Discipleship Ministries will be held twice: on Wednesday, April 15, at 3 p.m. (Eastern time), and on Tuesday, April 21, at 8 p.m. (Eastern time). Said an announcement: “In times like these, it is crucial

New and Renew conference is canceled for 2020, postponed until 2021

By Stan Dueck After prayerful discernment over the ongoing health concerns and the safety of people due to the coronavirus, the New Church Advisory Committee and Discipleship Ministries of the Church of the Brethren are canceling the New and Renew Conference scheduled for May 13-15, 2020. The event was to be held at the Church

Webinar on Holy Week worship planning is offered by the Office of Ministry

By Nancy Sollenberger Heishman The Office of Ministry of the Church of the Brethren will host a Zoom webinar conversation on March 26 focused on Holy Week worship planning. Many congregations have suspended in-person worship during the COVID-19 crisis yet are seeking to find ways to stay deeply connected to one another and their communities.

Brethren Press makes free, downloadable resources available

By Jeff Lennard We know that many congregations are cancelling services as the COVID-19 virus spreads. Brethren Press wants to make it as easy as possible for your congregation to study and worship together–even from afar. Therefore, each week during this outbreak, will be updated with free resources to help people in your church

New webpage provides ministry resources for congregations and church leaders

A new webpage with resources for congregations and church leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic has been posted at . This webpage, which will be updated on a regular basis, is focused on ministry resources to support congregations and church leaders during a time when congregations may not gather in person. Brethren Disaster Ministries continues to offer

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